All Files > Page 3141

Caravelle III French Air Force
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
41.29Mb (4383 downloads)
AFG French Air Force Caravelle III, v1.0 for FS2004.
French Air Force Caravelle III, registration F-RAFG.
This is a complete aircraft containing panel, sounds
and effects. Manual included.
Authors: Allied FS Group
Posted Aug 13, 2008 08:04 by Allied FS Group

FS2004 Mirage 2000 N Basic Package
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
61.30Mb (34250 downloads)
FS2004 Mirage 2000 N Basic Pack. The Mirage 2000 N (N as "Nuclear") is the French vector for the nuclear weapon. It's a delta fighter modified for nuclear attack. Includes aircraft, new 3D models, brand new panels and custom sound package. By Jonathan Hilaire and Roland Laborie.
Posted Aug 13, 2008 07:01 by Roland Laborie
Airbus A320 Ted
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.79Mb (3283 downloads)
Airbus A320 Ted. Original FS2004 model by iFDG, livery by Daniel Rodriguez
Posted Aug 13, 2008 00:13 by daniel rodriguez

Hidden Lake Ultra
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.02Mb (2860 downloads)
This is a fictional Airport Hidden in the Mountains of Glacier National Park Montana It is a update and rework of the earlier versions of Hidden Lake.
Posted Aug 12, 2008 21:21 by David Tokar

German Ambulance
(Category: CFS1 > Misc)
1.30Mb (1066 downloads)
This is a flyable German WWII Ambulance for CFS1, originaly a 6x6 by Andrew Tremblay.
Posted Aug 12, 2008 11:16 by Winslow33

BOEING 707-373C Update (with pods)
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.99Mb (9583 downloads)
BOEING 707-373C (with pods) Fuerza Aérea Colombiana "ZEUS". Includes a new model, animated refueling system, new aircraft configuration file and texture. Requires By Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 12, 2008 03:36 by Libardo Guzman.

AI Piper PA-180 Made Flyable
(Category: FSX > Props)
0.20Mb (5213 downloads)
This is an update for FS X of the AI Piper PA-180 to make it flyable. I have used the flight dynamics from the FS 9 update I did, and given it a panel. The panel background is by Marcelo Canovas. I have used all default FS X gauges. Follow the install instructions properly and the AI aircraft will still be there as the AI aircraft.
Bob Chicilo.
Posted Aug 12, 2008 02:37 by Bob Chicilo.

Hughes 500D Repaint Kit
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
2.78Mb (1348 downloads)
This is a repaint kit for Björn Büchner's FS2004 Hughes 500D.
This file includes textures, Alpha Channels, an aircraft CFG, and a visual tutorial on the main textures.
Posted Aug 12, 2008 01:33 by Brandon Filer

Gmax Pilots
(Category: FS Design > Aircraft Design)
1.49Mb (2239 downloads)
Gmax Pilots
These pilots were created as a result of my own inability to create a life-like pilot for my aircraft. I finally found one included in a package created by Ken Cozine (Military version in this download), but it wasn't right for all purposes, so I grafted here, deleted there, and the final results are what you see before you.
There are three different files, and four pilots:
Modify, use and enjoy!
T. FitzPatrick
Posted Aug 11, 2008 23:45 by T. FitzPatrick

Breaking Dawn Gmax Animation Sequence
(Category: FS Design > Design Source Files)
0.30Mb (1469 downloads)
This is something I created for animation practice and to get some use out of lighting and cameras in Gmax. It consists of a rocket being launched, dropping exterior tanks, clamshell doors and then launching a ship, which launches a probe. The probe opens a wormhole and the ship flies through it, at which point the wormhole closes.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 22:30 by T. FitzPatrick