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Abacus A380-800 Air Canada Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
3.48Mb (1461 downloads)
Air Canada Textures for the Abacus A380.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 19:35 by CJ
F/A-18E ARGONAUT TEXTURES (Category: FSX > Military)
0.89Mb (3366 downloads)
F/A-18E VFA-147 CAG "textures Only". This package contains the CAG textures for the superhornet of VFA-147 Argonauts, which may fly off the USS John C. Stennis or LeMoore, CA. The original Team KBT F/A-18 "E" model required and can be obtained at: .
Posted Aug 11, 2008 17:42 by dmachoe Dana Eng
FS2004/FSX DC-7 BOAC/Pan Am Package
FS2004/FSX DC-7 BOAC/Pan Am Package
FS2004/FSX DC-7 BOAC/Pan Am Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.17Mb (20342 downloads)
FS2004/FSX DC-7C Package. Panel modified by George Carty from original by Ken Mitchell and Tom Gibson, Calclassic. Model modified by George Carty from original by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, with Pan Am and BOAC liveries provided. Includes weather radar (FSUIPC required) on navigator's panel.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 14:33 by Tom Gibson
South Works Int.
South Works Int.
South Works Int. (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.10Mb (3223 downloads)
Fictional Chicago airport on the proposed site for airport expansion in the 1990s. On the site of the historic US Steel "South Works" plants, 600 acres of highly detailed airport. 4 intersecting runways, cargo area and marine port. Lots of little details added for fun. Explore the airport to view details. ILS freq appear in the map view.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 14:21 by Putt4Eagle
FS2004/FSX DC-6B United Package
FS2004/FSX DC-6B United Package
FS2004/FSX DC-6B United Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
17.27Mb (7197 downloads)
FS2004/FSX DC-6B Package. Panel modified by George Carty from original by Ken Mitchell and Tom Gibson. Model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, with United Airlines livery provided. Includes weather radar (FSUIPC required) on navigator's panel.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 14:14 by Tom Gibson
FS2004/FSX DC-7 'American' Package
FS2004/FSX DC-7 'American' Package
FS2004/FSX DC-7 'American' Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.17Mb (12345 downloads)
FS2004/FSX DC-7 Package. Panel modified by George Carty from original by Ken Mitchell and Tom Gibson. Model modified by George Carty from original by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, with American Airlines livery provided. Includes weather radar (FSUIPC required) on navigator's panel.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 14:14 by Tom Gibson
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package.
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package.
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package. (Category: FSX > Vintage)
26.17Mb (9316 downloads)
FS2004/FSX DC-7B Pan Am Package. Panel modified by George Carty from original by Ken Mitchell and Tom Gibson. Model modified by George Carty from original by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, with Pan Am livery provided. Includes weather radar (FSUIPC required) on navigator's panel.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 13:56 by Tom Gibson
USS Nimitz Class Fix
USS Nimitz Class Fix (Category: FSX > Misc)
0.00Mb (12613 downloads)
Missing Effects for USS Nimitz Class. Copy in your FSX Effects folder.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 12:02 by Mric
F-100D Super Sabre USAF Vietnam Era
F-100D Super Sabre USAF Vietnam Era (Category: FSX > Military)
14.47Mb (8490 downloads)
This is a repaint of Kazunori Ito's F-100D Super Sabre modified for Flight Simulator X .This Paint scheme is the United States Air Force Vietnam era jungle camo. The F-100Ds arrived in Southeast Asia in 1962 but did not begin flying combat missions over Vietnam until 1965. The aircraft was used for ground attack within South Vietnam. The two-seat F-100F operated as a "fast-FAC" (forward air controller) spotting targets for other aircraft. It was also the first Wild Weasel SEAD aircraft whose specially trained crews were tasked with locating and destroying enemy air defenses. Textures and Modifications by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 10:47 by Mark Rooks
USS Nimitz Class
USS Nimitz Class (Category: FSX > Misc)
6.00Mb (26237 downloads)
There are five AI carriers made flyable for FSX with stock FSX textures(CVN 68, 71, 72,73 & 76). With cockpit 2D and radar. Cables and catapults works in multiplayer. Install in your ...SimObjects/Airplanes... repertory. (Vista & Dx10 tested)
Posted Aug 11, 2008 09:43 by Mric