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FSX Airbus 333Dragon Air
FSX Airbus 333Dragon Air (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
4.73Mb (18999 downloads)
DragonAir 20th Anniversary B-HWG Airbus 333. HK Dragonair Founded in 1985, Dragonair was established to serve the growing demand for air services between Hong Kong and mainland China. Starting with a single plane, Dragon Air has since grown into one of Asia's most modern and youngest fleets in the region, providing convenient and frequent links to the mainland via Hong Kong's international aviation hub. The 20th Anniverary Aircraft was repainted at 2005. Original by Project Opensky, repaint by Ken Ma.
Posted Aug 11, 2008 06:30 by Dragon Air
FS9 PCA textures for JBK DC-4
FS9 PCA textures for JBK DC-4
FS9 PCA textures for JBK DC-4 (Category: FSX > Props)
1.88Mb (2323 downloads)
These textures depict Pennsylvania Central Airlines about 1947. Note these are textures only. Model by Jens Kristensen. Textures by Gary Harper
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2008 22:09 by Gary Harper
FSX Kapalua Airport (JHM)
FSX Kapalua Airport (JHM) (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.30Mb (3003 downloads)
This is a scenery update for Kapalua Airport on the island of Maui, Hawaii. Kapalua is a small airport located in the pineapple fields on Maui. Runways, taxiways, and parking were updated using real world coordinates from Google Earth. View Readme file for installation and notes. Compiled using Airport Design Editor.
Posted Aug 10, 2008 20:11 by Phillip Coyle
Air Zena - Georgian Airlines Boeing 737_500
Air Zena - Georgian Airlines Boeing 737_500 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.07Mb (6450 downloads)
Boeing 737-400 default textures
Posted Aug 10, 2008 15:12 by lekso pkhakadze
Me-262H G3
Me-262H G3
Me-262H G3 (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
21.45Mb (7342 downloads)
FS2002-FS2004 Me-262 HG3 ahasseyeAnB German first supersonic projected aircraft with modern panel includes virtual joystick with autopilot GPS a fighter HUD supersonic effect Atomic Nuclear Bomb included. Reinstrumented,New textured and reworked flight dynamics by ING Alex Hassey
Posted Aug 10, 2008 14:59 by Messerschmidt Me-262HG3ahasse
FS2004 ATR 42-300 Base
FS2004 ATR 42-300 Base (Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.05Mb (14657 downloads)
FS2004 ATR 42-300 base model, v1.0. Features dynamic shine, opening doors, parking mode, maintenance mode, wing views, full moving animations. By ISDT. (will also work in FSX but uses the King Air 2d panel and has no VC)
Posted Aug 10, 2008 14:29 by archive
Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport (KSTS)
0.24Mb (2165 downloads)
This updates Sonoma County Airport for FSX. Taxiways, runways, and other aspects were updated using real satellite images from Google Earth for accuracy. This airport is home to some CDF Fire Tankers, and the taxiways leading up to their facility have been accuratly depicted in this release. Default objects from the FSX scenery libraries were used. View Readme file for installation instructions. Compiled using Airport Design Editor.
Posted Aug 10, 2008 12:06 by Phillip Coyle
Minot AFB. V2.0 scenary from FSXF.
Minot AFB. V2.0 scenary from FSXF.
Minot AFB. V2.0 scenary from FSXF. (Category: FSX > Scenery)
26.98Mb (1526 downloads)
Updated-new statics, Airport name is FSXF-Minot AFB (KMIB) added hangers, buildings, New starts(helo starts) etc... has static F-22S,, B-52S, A-225,, CHOOPERS, Nuclear Power Plant Complex North Minot AFB. with two helo pads, or just find the Power Line Towers and follow them to it. Added runway 11R/29L, added ILS, 11R-111.10 MHz, 29L-110.15 MHz, 11L-109.90 Mhz, 29R-109.30 MHZ, taxiways, etc...
Posted Aug 9, 2008 23:45 by Thunder
0.80Mb (868 downloads)
This is a Mission Scenery, the airport name is H3 Northwest(OR1L). It is in Iraq. No ILS. , updated stock airfield. Tanks, S.A.M.s, around airfield. Temperary hangers, Crates in them, three static SU-37s on apron.
Posted Aug 9, 2008 23:08 by Thunder
Boeing 737 Austrlian Frontier Airways VA
Boeing 737 Austrlian Frontier Airways VA (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.62Mb (2699 downloads)
Repaint of the default 737 for frontier airways VA
Posted Aug 9, 2008 21:59 by Kane Foord