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Republic P-47M-1- Additional texture set
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
14.54Mb (3386 downloads)
Republic P-47M-1- Additional texture set for
P-47M-1-RE - base pack file '' above. Depicting
six aircraft from the famous 56th FG - Zemke's Wolfpack - Boxted,
autumn 1944. 'Kill marks' are omitted on purpose! John 'Ace'
Drummond, 405th FG 'Raid Hot Mama' - Nose art used (with permission)
from ! By Tom Kohler. 14.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
FS2004 Updated Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
26.41Mb (9850 downloads)
Updated Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2.
The Republic P-47M-1 was the fastest of the production Thunderbolts
built by Republic based on a design from Major Alexander de
Seversky. - from
- "In April of 1939, the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt had the
distinction of being the heaviest single engine fighter to
see service in World War Two. Parked alongside any of its
wartime contemporaries, the Thunderbolt dwarfs them with its
remarkable bulk. Despite its size, the P-47 proved to be one
of the best performing fighters to see combat. Produced in
greater numbers than any other U.S. made fighter, the story
of how it came to exist is at least as interesting as its
many accomplishments. Visual model by Tom Kohler based on
Microsofts CFS3 SDK sample - huge credits included! Accurate,
'hand flyer' aerodynamic Model by Tom Kohler, built using
Flight Model Workbook version 2.84.50 from and
based on the 1% P-47M-1 flight model from Gregory Pierson
from An Installation 'Wizard' will help you
install the Multi-resolution GMAX model, including clickable
virtual cockpit, fully animated, reflective textures with
dynamic shine, gauges from Microsoft CFS2, backlighted VC
gauges, custom effects, HTML Checklists and Documentation
(enhanced with various pages from original Pilot Operating
and Training Manuals) as well as droppable tanks. Texture
mapping is very close to the original CFS3 version by Microsoft
so that repainting can be done easily with the existing templates.
Existing repaints should match and should produce best results
if an alpha channel would be added. Sound package included
in this Thunderbolt release by Peter J. Dowling. Flight envelope
modeling by Tom Kohler, Gregory Pierson & Jerry Beckwith;
custom effects by Hermann 'Krazy' Boltz, and last but in no
way least; Milton Shupe (tutoring and custom radial engine
startup effects as well as fixing the undercarriage behaviour
and heading the beta testing etc.). The present archive contains
two (2) different 3D models and two different 3D and 2D panels
and includes a 'bare' aluminium base texture set. DXT3 as
well as high resolution 888-type 16-bit textures are included.
Addon Texture sets will have to be activated for full usage
by hand (instructions included). By Tom Kohler. 27MB
Republic P-47M-1 base package - PATCH #88
contains the fixed model.cfg in distribution ''
to cure the not showing modern panel version. Ever decreasing
time to market phenomen. I have to apologize for any inconvenience!
By Tom Kohler. 10K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
Antonov AN-2T 'ANT-1' Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
0.75Mb (760 downloads)
Antonov AN-2T 'ANT-1' Textures only.
First appearing in 1947, the AN-2's was first dismissed as obsolete,
due to it's biplane layout and homely looks. But the "Annushka"
would prove the naysayers wrong.... and how! The biplane layout
proved itself, and there wasn't much the AN-2 couldn't do, whether
as a passenger, cargo, parachuting, crop spraying, or spec ops
plane. Over 20,000 were produced, mostly in Poland. Not bad
for an "obsolete" design. This AN-2T textured to represent an
aircraft belonging to the Greek TV Channel 'ANT-1' during the
'Archangel 2005' Air Show at Tanagra (Athens). Requires the
model by Tim Conrad (here).
Repaint by Manuele Villa. 768K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
FS2004 Spitfire MK Ghost Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
3.57Mb (372 downloads)
Spitfire MK Ghost Textures See
through Created just for fun by Mark "fire Ball" Rooks
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
Ghost Of The Pacific Fleet.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
6.07Mb (654 downloads)
Ghost Of The Pacific Fleet.
Enclosed are 3 complete Aircraft created for fun Ghost Of The
Pacific Fleet Of WW 2 Textures Created by Mark "fire Ball" Rooks
Original aircraft Are CFS2 Stock modified for 2004 & painted
in transparent textures. 6.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
Junkers JU-87B-2 Stuka.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
1.87Mb (5231 downloads)
Junkers JU-87B-2 Stuka.
This aircraft was made to fly under CFS2, and has been converted
to fly under Flight Simulator 2004. Original Designers:- Mike
Colclough and Gerald Keagan. R. Brissac. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive

P-51D #473 Audrey
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
1.71Mb (3077 downloads)
P-51D #473 Audrey. AUDREY 4th P-51D 473 Captain Mike Yannell
claimed eight victories while flying AUDREY 4th with the 360th
Fighter Squadron, 356 Fighter Groupe at Martlesham, England.
Model & textures by J R Lucariny. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
P51 Mustang D Crazy Horse"
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
3.59Mb (3540 downloads)
P51 Mustang D Crazy Horse".
This is a Repaint of Roger Dial's P51 Mustang D entitled Crazy
Horse" it was built in 1944 as a P-51D and later converted to
North American standards as a dual cockpit / dual controlled
TF-51 Mustang. It wears the authentic colors of the 48th Fighter
Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group, 8th Air Force at Asche, Belgium,
1945."Crazy Horse" is one of only twelve dual controlled Mustangs
existing in the world.This is a historicaly accurate.and is
a Complete Aircraft Textures By Mark "Fireball" Rooks. 3.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
P-51D 'Morning Light'.
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
4.19Mb (784 downloads)
P-51D 'Morning Light'.
An imaginary livery, following the celebration of painter Licko
this time with his painting entitled 'Morning Light'. As for
the Mustang itself, it is real and it has real serial number,
number 413317. It is at present an exhibit at the Royal Airforce
Museum in Hendon, north London, England. Please email a line
of thanks to the author of the model who deserves most of the
credit. That is I Robert Hawk. Repaint by Francis F. Silva.
Repaint of P51D by Francis F. Silva Original model by Robert
"Hawk" . 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
G.A.L. Monospar ST.25 Air Ambulance
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
3.13Mb (1828 downloads)
G.A.L. Monospar ST.25 Air Ambulance The
G.A.L. Monospar was a series of ligth and utility aircraft built
by General Aircraft Ltd in the 1930's. The ST.25 Universal was
one of the last versions, with a twin tail and other improvements.
This is a model of c/n 95, built in 1937 as an air ambulance.
It served for two years or so in England as a company demonstrator
registered G-AYEF, before it was sold to the 'Zonen' salvage
corps in Denmark as OY-DAZ. The aircraft is preserved today
in Denmark. Detailed interior, virtual cockpit. By Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive