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All Time Popular > Page 1218
                  Consolidated PBY-5A VP-54, "Black Cats"
0.34Mb (2918 downloads)
FS2000/CFS2 Consolidated PBY-5A VP-54, "Black Cats" USN 1944 U.S. Navy PBY-5A operated by VP-54 on anti-shipping patrols in the Solomon Islands during 1943-44. New model, aircraft is a true amphibian in CFS2. By Harry Follas & Brian Horsey. CFS2 update by Scot Fraser. 351K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Martin B-10
FS2004 Martin B-10 (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
2.76Mb (2918 downloads)
FS2004 Martin B-10 The Martin B-10 was the first all metal, retracting gear, enclosed cockpit design bomber produced in large numbers for the USAAC. This FSDSV3 project includes the usual animations, operating bomb bay, crew figures and transparent glass. It has two liveries; a reflective livery for the 2nd bomber group and a traditional Yellow - Blue livery for the 19th bomber group, The 2D panel and VC are based on a photo. By Paul Clawson. 2.8MB
Posted Jul 11, 2008 14:31 by archive
                    Canadair CT-114 Tutor
FS2004 Canadair CT-114 Tutor (Category: FS2004 > Military)
14.18Mb (2918 downloads)
FS2004 Canadair CT-114 Tutor (also FS2002 included): This package contains the training version textures for the Canadair CT-114 Tutor used by the Canadian Armed Forces. Included are samples of the Big 2, and FIS paint schemes. Also included, the Raven, Golden Centennaires, the 75th Anniversary, and the AETE (new & older paint). Within the zip is a cfg/air files for FS2002. This project was done by VCDG and textured by Mapleleaf Imaging. 14.5MB See update below
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
Polikarpov I-153
Polikarpov I-153
Polikarpov I-153 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.03Mb (2918 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Polikarpov I-153 Warbird bipe The ultimate development of the Polikarpov fighter biplane was the powerful I-153 Chaika, with retractable landing gear, either wheels or skis folding to the rear. Coming on line in 1938 some thousands served in the Far East, Finland and on the Eastern Front. The I-153 was an anachronism, entering service at the time when the biplane had long since been eclipsed by the monoplane fighter. This is a model of an I-153 as flown in the Russian-China conflict at Khalkin Gol in August 1939.GMAX model by A.F.Scrub. Source included.
Posted Jan 29, 2010 11:32 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Native Bell 47G2
FSX Native Bell 47G2 (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
48.30Mb (2917 downloads)
Originally for FS2002, then FS2004. Now available as FSX native taking advantage of specific features such as bump mapping, specular mapping and self shadowing. Includes a separate installer for P3DV4. Converted using Model Converter X. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jun 11, 2020 13:14 by George Arana
Carrier Group Track off Washington Coast
Carrier Group Track off Washington Coast
Carrier Group Track off Washington Coast (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.47Mb (2917 downloads)
A track to practice your landing skills. Not only the carrier, but also some destroyers and a support ship form this group. You can even see some choppers flying next to the ships. Requires FSX with Acceleration, and by Javier Fernandez
Required files:
required file
Posted May 28, 2012 22:50 by Blaunarwal
                  F6 Mustang photo recon
CFS3 F6 Mustang photo recon (Category: CFS3 > Aircraft)
1.79Mb (2917 downloads)
CFS3 F6 Mustang photo recon. The f-6 was a photo reconnaissance version of the P-51 Mustang. This plane uses a new visual model with a high-quality virtual cockpit and features a simulated gyroscopic gunsight and a bombsight camera view. Visual model and textures by K Clement. Flight model by Jerry Beckwith. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  A-7E Corsair II of VA-113.
FS2002 A-7E Corsair II of VA-113. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
1.25Mb (2917 downloads)
FS2002 A-7E Corsair II of VA-113. This is a completely re-textured version of Rey Lopez's A-7E Corsair II, giving the aircraft new skin and markings. New textures aircarft and installation instructions included. Mario Salcido. 1.2MB
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:04 by archive
FSX/P3Dv3/v4  Boeing B17-D Early Fortress
FSX/P3Dv3/v4  Boeing B17-D Early Fortress
FSX/P3Dv3/v4 Boeing B17-D Early Fortress (Category: FSX > Vintage)
22.23Mb (2916 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 B17-D Early Fortress The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). The bomber was intended from the outset to attack strategic targets by precision daylight bombing, penetrating deep into enemy territory by flying above the effective range of antiaircraft artillery. Turbo-supercharged radial engines were to give the necessary high-altitude performance, and heavy defensive armament was to provide protection against attacking fighters. FSX/P3D mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 18, 2018 02:25 by A.F.Scrub
                  USAF DHC2 Beaver
FS2004 USAF DHC2 Beaver (Category: FS2004 > Props)
3.28Mb (2916 downloads)
FS2004 USAF DHC2 Beaver This is a repaint of Steven Grant DHC2 Beaver in the colors of USAF. For full credits please read the "readme.doc" and OriginalReadme Repaint by Henry William. 3.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive