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FSX/FS2004 Breguet XIV A2 Hellenic Army Package.
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
16.91Mb (2817 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Breguet 14 A2/B2 complete package With Full V/C 2D panel animated parts and sound.This plaine was in Service with The Hellenic Army Air Service from1914 and up to 1930 as a recognizer. 30 Aircraft of type A2/B2 based after the war in Sedes Air base (Thessaloniki) then used as trainers. During WWI #532 & 534 found in the Hellenic/French Squadrons.Also the Breguets served during the Asia Minor Campain.Model by Emmanuel Geffroy.Repaint by Hellenic Aircraft /Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Apr 11, 2012 17:12 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS

Boeing 747-400BCF Atlas Air Cargo
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.35Mb (2817 downloads)
Boeing 747-400BCF Atlas Air Cargo. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Feb 2, 2009 05:32 by Ryan C

FS9 / FSX Fuel Data and Door Control Gauge.
(Category: FS Gauges > FS Gauges)
0.47Mb (2816 downloads)
This xml-based gauge is a multi functional instrument which can be used in any engine powered aircraft you like:
From a four-engine Boeing 747 to a small single engine helicopter.
The gauge consists of two main functions:
In mode 1, it displays many fuel parameters including range and remaining flying time, based on current fuel consumption.
This mode also contains a timer function. What is unique about this gauge is that it displays the distance you've covered so far.
This parameter is linked to the timer Start/Stop button and Reset Button. Both parameters are not affected by the time-zone boundaries.
The average speed is also displayed and calculated by dividing the covered distance value by the timer value.
A simulation rate indicator has also been added. When clicking on it, the simulation rate can be changed.
All the parameters remain accurate, also when time acceleration is used.
In mode 2, the four door types can be opened and closed. it also displays the status of each door.
Many thanks for Mr. N. E. Pike for his great tutorials about making xml gauges! I also want to thank Don Kuhn for his help. By Hans Zuidervaart.
Posted Jan 18, 2012 06:31 by Hans Zuidervaart
Acceleration MD500E update
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
20.15Mb (2816 downloads)
Acceleration MD500E update Until
the Nemeth's have time to update their 500 series I put together
this little 500E update. It is based on the flight dynamics
and model that Vorlin and I did for the FS9 500E customized.
I did not reuse our gauges from that model but made use of FSX
default ones. The night lighting is different in FSX so the
panel had some bugs at night. This is something that will need
to be corrected within the model itself and is out of scope
for this update. Simply unzip and drop into your FSX/Simobjects/Rotorcraft
folder and enjoy. Chris Gaeth. 20MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive

ESWAT T Supra US Coast Guard Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.92Mb (2816 downloads)
ESWAT T Supra US Coast Guard Textures only.
this a repaint depicting the Unites States Coast Guard for
the aircraft based on japenese animation movie "apple
see" It is a vtol aircraft to transport the e.s.w.a.t.
member. you will have to download the original found here.
by Kazunori Ito. By Mark Misek. 8 MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive

Ryanair for FS2000 and FS2002.
(Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
2.32Mb (2816 downloads)
Ryanair for FS2000 and FS2002. Recently built from scratch
in FSDS. Features full 3D moving surfaces, Flight and Ground
Spoilers, Rolling Wheels, Steerable nose gear with landing light,
'Photo Real' High Resolution day and night textures (not scanned
photos), Landing Light beams, Un-Synchronised Strobe lighting,
Transparent flight deck windows, 3D Compressor blades, Working
thrust reversers. Accurate model design and AIR file. By Terry
Gaff. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

Ariana Afghan Airlines AIRBUS A330-200
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.32Mb (2816 downloads)
Ariana Afghan Airlines AIRBUS A330-200.Fully
animated control surfaces.Fully independent suspension Dynamic
flexing wings.Animated tilting bogies Rolling main wheels.Animated
thrust reversers Fully reflective textures.Accurate flight dynamics
Flaperons.Detailed textures Interchanging 2D and 3D engine fans.Full
night lighting Visible landing lights from the thingypit.Reflective
thingypit windows Crash affects.Transparent Nav light lenses
This paint has been made to make Ariana Afghan familiar among
the nations and to increase its relationship with the airlines
of the world. By ILYAS OMARI BAARAKZOY 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive

Berlin Schoenefeld Airport, EDDB, Germany
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
4.88Mb (2815 downloads)
This is an update of my FSX freeware scenery for EDDB, BER (former
Berlin Schoenefeld after its extension to Berlin Brandenburg Airport).
- Updated taxiway and apron positions according to AIP docs I got
in 2012 (thanks to Benjamin).
- Updated ILS (has DME) and approach routes with official waypoints taken from
this docs.
- Remove of EDDT and EDDI (EDDI already closed, EDDT should be closed 2012/6/3).
- Rebuild the old GAT area (the planned cargo area there isn't built yet),
updated layout as everything is built by now.
- New tower and SMR (Surface Movement Radar) towers.
- Correctes small errors (taxi labels, lines, lights).
- Parking spots at apron E.
Posted May 8, 2012 20:38 by Gernot Zander

FSX only Cessna 170B Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.08Mb (2814 downloads)
FSX only Cessna 170B. In 1952, the Cessna 170B was introduced featuring a new wing tapered outboard of the flaps, incorporating dihedral similar to the military version. The B model was equipped with very effective modified Fowler (slotted, rearward-traveling) wing flaps which deflect up to 40° adapted from the C-305/Bird Dog. This is Alphasim freeware repainted and upgraded to FSX by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 13, 2017 03:58 by A.F.Scrub

FSX Black User Interface
(Category: FSX > Misc)
14.55Mb (2814 downloads)
A black, white, and gold FSX UI (main panel when FSX is opened). Make sure you back up the original file in case you decide to revert!
Posted Jul 20, 2012 23:55 by nickthatch12