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Boeing 727-200 SN23052 Multi Package
Boeing 727-200 SN23052 Multi Package
Boeing 727-200 SN23052 Multi Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
285.45Mb (2738 downloads)
FSX TDS Boeing 727-200 SN 23052. This is the last passenger 727 built. The file contains 7 liveries USAir, Sterling Airways (2), Air Columbus, Sterling Europe, Sobelair and Champion Air Model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with Thomas Ruth VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util). Sound by FS Sound Studio Repaint by JALopezR
Posted Apr 6, 2017 10:19 by JALopezR
FSX 727-217 Laker Airways "Grand Bahama Island"
FSX 727-217 Laker Airways "Grand Bahama Island"
3.37Mb (2738 downloads)
This is a Laker 727 in Bahamian Princess aka Grand Bahama Island Livery in honor of the Princess Casino in Freeport, Bahamas.Featured on this 727 are as follow: Rear Airstair (wing unfold key) Jetway compatibility, pull up to a gate and press(Ctrl+J)the jetway slowly approaches the plane for connection. Model by Vistaliners / Eric Cantu and painted by BahamasFlyers. Uses default B737 2d panel. No VC.
Posted Apr 18, 2012 16:25 by Shawn Penn
Alphasim MV-22 Osprey VMM-165 Textures
Alphasim MV-22 Osprey VMM-165 Textures
Alphasim MV-22 Osprey VMM-165 Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.10Mb (2738 downloads)
A VMM-165 textures only for the payware MV-22 Osprey by Virtuavia(Alphasim). The 'White Knights' of VMM-165 are based at MCAS Miramar.
Posted Dec 24, 2011 17:25 by Ian Whitvom
            Scenery- British Airfield Buildings v 1
0.52Mb (2738 downloads)
CFS2/FS2002/FS2004 Scenery- British Airfield Buildings v 1 Six airfield buildings as used on British Airifields during the Second World War and still surviving on many airfields. These are in library format. Include T2 type hangar, gun station trainer and Nissen Hut. Objects can also be used in CFS2 mission builder. By Daniel Hamblin and Gary Burns.( 533K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
FSX Aerospatiale Fouga Magister CM170
FSX Aerospatiale Fouga Magister CM170
FSX Aerospatiale Fouga Magister CM170 (Category: FSX > Military)
8.15Mb (2737 downloads)
The Fouga Magister (here in Patrouille de France livery) was a light attack, training fighter. Original model by KARI VIRTANEN and MIKKO MALINIEMI. VC modification, adaptation to FSX, panels and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Credit: KARI VIRTANEN and MIKKO MALINIEMI for the original aircraft.
Posted Aug 11, 2014 06:48 by Philippe Wallaert
Martin MB-2
Martin MB-2 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.04Mb (2737 downloads)
The Martin MB-2 was the first All American Bomber design produced in quantity. It first flew in 1920. This is the plane Gen. Billy Mitchell used to prove an airplane could sink a battleship. It saw service until it was replaced by the Keystone Bombers in the late 20's. This is a native FSX Acceleration project. It has the usual animations and textures. The VC is based on a real photo and has animated flight controls. The gauges are default except for some original 3D switches. There is no 2D panel. The livery is for the 96th Bomber Squadron based at Langley field. By Paul Clawson
Posted Mar 2, 2011 16:42 by Paul Clawson
                  P-51D Mustang Swedish Package
FS2004/2002 P-51D Mustang Swedish Package (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
5.30Mb (2737 downloads)
FS2004/2002 P-51D Mustang Swedish Package. P-51D history: set of 5 Variations of Swedish P-51's Repaints By Mikael.Karlsson. Aircraft design Roger Dial (Flight One Software, Steve Small (FSD), and Mike Hambly (Blue Arrow FS). 5.4MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  North American FJ-1 Fury
FS2004 North American FJ-1 Fury (Category: FS2004 > Military)
2.32Mb (2737 downloads)
FS2004 North American FJ-1 Fury. This was a single-engine, single-seat, low-wing carrier-borne jet fighter with short stubby wings looking much like a high-flying bomb. Its first flight was in 1947. And because its performance was disappointing only 31 were built and it had a brief service life. Two kinds of models(clean and with wingtip fuel tanks) are included. By Kazunori Ito. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Stampe RSV4 Rothmans Aerobatic Livery.
2.24Mb (2737 downloads)
FS2002 Stampe RSV4 Rothmans Aerobatic Livery. . This Stampe was constructed with FSDSv2, and texturized with Paint Shop Pro. With Dynamic Virtual Cockpit, etc. Designed & textured by Eric Dantès. 2.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
AD-6 Skyraider
AD-6 Skyraider
AD-6 Skyraider (Category: CFS2 > Post WW2 Aircraft)
3.68Mb (2737 downloads)
The Douglas AD-2 Skyraider went into service in 1946 and served in the Korean War. She continued with the Navy, Marines and Air Force through Viet Nam into the mid 1970s. She was known as Skyraider, but more frequently referred to a Able Dog and SPAD, an acronym for Special Purpose Attack Douglas or Special Purpose Able Dog. SPAD is also a reference to such an aged prop job still flying in the age of jets. And she took down at least one MiG fighter in a gun duel over Viet Nam. This model in it's original simplified form first appeared in the Fox Four Red Star campaign as an AI. She was created by FangVV, Hayden Scott-Williams, AIR/CFG by Indio Black, Mike Eustace, DP by myself. I have upgraded/updated the source file to player level. Textures are by Sopwith Chameleon, James Peach. The skins represent aircraft of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club flying from USS Intrepid in the Viet Nam conflict. The primary skin is Sword and the alternate is Pussy Galore, both US Navy. The model is multi-LOD. She carries a complex panel by Mike sure to read the Panel Instrucitons, and has a rudimentary DVC. Her weapons are by Bbolt and Martin Wright. Installation: Simply place all of the files contained in the folders/subfolders of the download into the corresponding folders/subfolders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware, but must not be uploaded to any other site or modified without permission.
Posted Jan 14, 2010 19:14 by Tom Sanford