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FSX/P3D 3&4 Boeing 787-8 Japan Airlines (JAL) package
FSX/P3D 3&4 Boeing 787-8 Japan Airlines (JAL) package
61.00Mb (2694 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3&4 Boeing 787-8 Japan Airlines (JAL) package with new enhanced VC. Japan Airlines is Japan's flag carrier and it's second largest airline behind ANA. JAL currently operates a fleet of 25 Boeing 787-8 and are awiting delivery of a further 4.. The wonderful Boeing 787-8 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC to make it more resemble a 787. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I added the great textures by Yosuke Ube. Assembled, edited and prepared for Prepar3D V3 & 4 & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Dec 1, 2017 12:40 by chris evans
FlightGear v2.12 Flight Simulator Base Package
FlightGear v2.12 Flight Simulator Base Package
FlightGear v2.12 Flight Simulator Base Package (Category: FlightGear > Base Files)
921.36Mb (2694 downloads)
FlightGear v2.12 Flightgear complete free open source flight simulator for the home PC. This new version contains many exciting new features, enhancements and bugfixes. Highlights in this release include improved usability, better terrain rendering and a fully scriptable 2D rendering system.FlightGear features more than 400 aircraft, a worldwide seamless scenery database, a multi-player environment, detailed sky modelling, a flexible and open aircraft modelling system, varied networking options, multiple display support, a powerful scripting language, and an open architecture. Best of all, being open-source, the simulator is owned by the community and everyone is encouraged to contribute.
Posted Oct 11, 2013 08:38 by flightgear
Learjet 45 3 Textures
Learjet 45 3 Textures
Learjet 45 3 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.50Mb (2694 downloads)
3 Learjet 45 Alitalia, TEAL and TaxiJet Textures for the default Lear 45. For more information, including credits and installation instructions, read the included Read me file.
Posted Oct 27, 2011 09:31 by Jay Heath
FSX 737-800 Paint kit
FSX 737-800 Paint kit (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
9.99Mb (2694 downloads)
Layered paint kit for the FSX default 737-800. Included files are meant for users of the GIMP photo manipulation program. Kit Created by Jon Ross. I take no credit for the contents.
Posted Dec 8, 2009 15:05 by Jason A. Lee
                  ArrCab Carriers
All ArrCab Carriers (Category: FS2002 > Scenery)
3.11Mb (2693 downloads)
All ArrCab Carriers -- complete improvement package v3. More persistent scenery, more carriers, fixes, etc. Textures included. 18 carriers across the world. v3 adds a couple of missing textures. by Rich Hogen. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
FS2004 Tornado F3+GR4 Config Update v2
FS2004 Tornado F3+GR4 Config Update v2 (Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.22Mb (2693 downloads)
Second version of a config update for the freeware Tornado F3+GR4 by Iris. - COG position - weights (emty, max take off) - position of weights (pilot, pylons, bullets) - flight dynamics - volume and position of tanks - parameters of engines (position, fuel flow, time of reaktion, thrust) - contact points (more exactly defined + added some more) - "eye" position (best with zoom=0,5) and few more details
Posted Feb 12, 2010 05:10 by Michal Lubiscak
FS2004/FSX SP1 XF-11/R-11Aero Union 27 Textures
FS2004/FSX SP1 XF-11/R-11Aero Union 27 Textures
2.04Mb (2693 downloads)
Textures only. Another R-11A, this time a surplus civil machine.There is ample precedent for a civil tanker, SiS Q operated tanked F7F's back in the '60's and 70's, and F-6 reporters were tanked,though I don't know where you would hang a tank on a F-11. Or use it for a super bird-dog, or a survey and mapping ship, or camera platform. But she sure looks sexy in Aero Union 'warpaint'. N927AU, Aero Union 27. Requires the XF-11 Redux package. Model by Ian Lawrence. Classic Wings version by Craig Richardson. Repaints by 3/7charlie.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 1, 2009 03:06 by Mike Barnes
FSX Indian Air Force Mil Mi-26
FSX Indian Air Force Mil Mi-26
FSX Indian Air Force Mil Mi-26 (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
25.78Mb (2692 downloads)
FSX Indian Air Force Mil Mi-26. Model by Alphasim. Repaint by Mohammad Faali.
Posted Apr 14, 2018 09:13 by Mohammad Faali
Spruance class destroyers and variants, for FSX.
Spruance class destroyers and variants, for FSX.
28.62Mb (2692 downloads)
First commissioned in 1975, the class was designed with gas-turbine propulsion, all-digital weapons systems, automated 5-inch guns. Serving for three decades, the Spruance class was designed to escort a carrier group with a primary ASW mission, though in the 1990s 24 members of the class were upgraded with the Mark 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) for the Tomahawk surface-to-surface missile. Rather than extend the life of the class, the navy accelerated its retirement. The last ship of the class was decommissioned in 2005, with most examples broken up or destroyed as targets. The class ran to 31 units and 4 Kidd class DDG general purpose Destroyers. 27 of the strategic Anti-Air and Space TICONDEROGA cruiser versions were also constructed, and the LM2500 engineering plant and AGEIS combat system have gone on to become the world naval gold standard. 2 unbuilt versions are also presented. DDH-997 Hayler was planned as a large hangar and flightdeck helicopter carring destroyer, much like the JMSDF`s Shiriane class DDH. Capable of supprting up to 4 LAMPS I or II helio`s, or the more capable SH-3 ASW helicopter, the Hayler would also have been able to operate and hangar the large CH-53E. Cancelled due to cost over-runs, the Hayler was completed as th 31st and last Spruance The last model presented is the Air-capable (Ghiradella) Spruance CVE. A study by Cdr.Ghiradella appeared in 'Proceedings' in the mid seventies, depicting a very light harrier carrier on a Spruance DD hull and machinery. Taking advantage of the significant growth built into the Spruance platform, Ghiradella schemed a 8500 ton ASW/Sea control escort carrier. With a air group of 4-6 Sh-60 or SH-3 helio's, 2-4 AV-8 STOVL fighter-bombers, and substantial gun/missile armament comprising ASROC, SeaSparrow and Phalanx CWIS, 5inch54 auto cannon, Harpoon ASM, 2 triple ASW torpedo launchers, SURBOC batteries; and a full range of radar, sonar and ESM, the design would have been well suited to ASW convoy escort and sea control missions. The vessel aroused considerable comment in naval circles, and was under serious consideration during the cold war. This is an impression of the Spruance`s for FSX, for use with AICarriers2 or other traffic compiles. The base model is from 3DS warehouse, and has been totaly rebuilt to reduce poly count,fix scale, added detail,versions and is totaly texture mapped. The models cover the ASROC,ABL and VLS Spruance destroyers, all 4 Kidd class DDG`s, DDH Hayler as planned, and an impression of Cdr.Gihradella`s CVE Spruance, in FSX service as the CVE-128 Ernest. E Evans class. Offered in attached effect and no effects versions, minor animations(radar), mapped lighting and landable decks.
Posted May 11, 2014 01:48 by Lazarus
FSX Lockheed T-33A Wildcats
FSX Lockheed T-33A Wildcats
FSX Lockheed T-33A Wildcats (Category: FSX > Military)
24.66Mb (2692 downloads)
Lockheed T-33 A in a fictional 'FSX Wildcats' Paint Scheme. Original model by Tim Conrad. Aircraft with VC and modified smoke.
Posted Aug 17, 2012 20:16 by Jamie Munn