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Boeing 747-8 part 2
Boeing 747-8 part 2
Boeing 747-8 part 2 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
159.96Mb (2280 downloads)
This package contains 4 parts with HiRes Retro liveries for most of the airplanes. Model by Skyspirit. The main files (model, panel, sound) and base textures for all airplanes are included in part 1, they are necessary for all other liveries. Part 2 contains AAF and AUA, part 3 Aeroflot, KLM, Lufthansa, SAL (SAA) and SAS, part 4 comes with AAL, PanAm, United and USAF. Finally all textures are fictional, AAF, AAL, Aeroflot, KLM, SAL, SAS, United and USAF have no 747-8, Lufthansa has no 747-8 with Retro livery and PanAm don't exist anymore. Anyways, most of the liveries exist or existed on real airplanes, are well researched and represent how a 747-8 could look like this. The textures are completely overworked and have 4096px² now, corrected doors, new windows, new joints, new lines, more details, new fans, new wheels, new pilots, new lights, new shading, new ground handling ..... The "aircraft.cfg" is overworked too, I corrected small things and the contact points, the airplane (even the freighter) touches the ground now. I don't like the annoying PW, PR or GE sounds, therefore there's no sound included, I use the default B737_800 sound, it's simply relaxing. The panel is modified as well, the pesky GPWS is removed, but it's done for flying with outside view. If you prefer flying with inside views, you don't need this package anyways. Additional I did Screenshots (JPG) and wallpapers (PNG) of each livery with 10800x6075px and smaller ones for single (2560x1440px) and dual monitors (5120x1440). Happy flying and enjoy, greetz, Dag@bert
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 11, 2017 04:23 by Dagobert
Mombasa HKMO "Moi Int. Airport" Kenya
Mombasa HKMO "Moi Int. Airport" Kenya
Mombasa HKMO "Moi Int. Airport" Kenya (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
33.03Mb (2280 downloads)
This FS2004 project reproduce the african Mombasa Moi International Airport (Iata: MBO, Icao: HKMO) located on the coast of Kenya. If you are a tourist long-haul pilot, an air-safari bush pilot or a night-freight pilot this airport is a must have ! In the scenery you'll find all buldings (airport and close sourroundings buildings with full night lighting), hundred of custom made detailed objects, static and animated vehicles, animated scenery parts and a photoreal airport background. Each scenery part and object (frame-rate friendly thanks to the low poly design) has photoreal textures and everything is placed in the right position (which has been seen on summer 2015 at the real airport).English extendet handbook is included. Watch the screenshot and the demo video on the Albysim youtube chanel and enjoy all scenery features (in this free/demo edition some features are limited).
Posted Nov 21, 2015 04:23 by AlbySim Scenery Design (Alberto Di Bolzano)
                  Panel for Mike Stone F-111 Aircraft
FS2004 Panel for Mike Stone F-111 Aircraft (Category: FS2004 > Panels)
3.97Mb (2280 downloads)
FS2004 Panel for Mike Stone F-111 Aircraft (here): This is my panel for the Mike Stone F-111 series of aircraft. It includes a VFR and IFR panel and front and side views. Enjoy. 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                    Sikorsky Helicopters S-61N
FS2002 Sikorsky Helicopters S-61N (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
4.79Mb (2280 downloads)
FS2002 Sikorsky Helicopters S-61N. Thanks to Dave Hardcastle for the excellent design work, Original version "s61_bih.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false">. This Version of the Sikorsky S-61N includes a fictious repaint of Evergreen, the panel which I have included is my own. This helicopter is fully animated and upgraded with a quality sound package. Repaint and Detail by: Lynn Rogers Instrument Panel by: Lynn Rogers. 4.9MB Optional sound pack below. (otherwise sounds will be the default B-206.) Sound pack. AGUSTA 109 SOUND FILE. These are sounds for the FS2000 Agusta 109 helicopter Installation; unzip all files to the aircraft\a109ph\sound directory where flight simulator 2000 is installed (usually C:\program files\microsoft games\fs2000) Original exterior sound are from Olle Kauppi. FS2000 Agusta 109 helicopter can be downloaded from Keiths Virtual helicopter web site and was remodelled by Royden Scott from an original FS98 model by Keith Whyte. 13MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
Thomas Ruth A300-600R Tunisair Package
Thomas Ruth A300-600R Tunisair Package
Thomas Ruth A300-600R Tunisair Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
43.74Mb (2279 downloads)
Airbus A300-600R in the colours of TUNISAIR. Model,Panel & Virtual Cockpit created by Thomas Ruth. Repaint by Jacques Louw.
Posted Jan 10, 2017 07:11 by Jacques Louw
                  RAF Tornado GR4 GAF Tigermeet '96.
FS2002 RAF Tornado GR4 GAF Tigermeet '96. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
4.26Mb (2279 downloads)
FS2002 RAF Tornado GR4 GAF Tigermeet '96. Aircraft by DSB Design. Repaint by Sebastian Hecker. 4.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Airbus A320-232 Freedom Air
FS2004 Airbus A320-232 Freedom Air (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.02Mb (2279 downloads)
FS2004 Airbus A320-232 Freedom Air . The Project Airbus A320 offers a wide range of features, many of which are XML controlled, such as pressurisation outflow valve, ground spoilers, pack outlets that open different amounts due to temperature, idle reversers, parallel bogies, dynamic jetwash, dropping surfaces, opening doors, custom lighting, dynamic shine, wing views, accurate landing gear. Model design by Andy Warden, flight dynamics by Peter Binamira, base textures by Demetris Themistocleous and Alessandro Savarese. Tested by Alexander Kvitta and Thomas Ruth. Repaint by Marcelo Veneziale. 11.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                  Boeing 797 Boeing House Colors
FS2004 Boeing 797 Boeing House Colors (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
5.63Mb (2279 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 797 Boeing House Colors. This aircraft should become, with a design base on the Boeing 787, the Boeing 737 replacement. This CamSim new aircraft also have 3 new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) for this type. Model design by Camil Valiquette and paint by Camil Valiquette / Fabian Engeser. 5.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
                    Boeing 727-200 Southern Winds Cargo
FS2004/2002 Boeing 727-200 Southern Winds Cargo (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
6.30Mb (2279 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Boeing 727-200 Southern Winds Cargo LV-GDR. Based on b727 FFX/SGA Model. It features the latest reflection including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation technology including accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust reversers and dynamic wing and engine views. Includes Panel Paint by Facundo Sacchi - Repack by Gustavo Ramos. 6.4MB Fix - Missing Air file. 7K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
FSX/P3D >3 & 4  Airbus A320-200 Air France and Lufthansa Twin Package Updated
FSX/P3D >3 & 4  Airbus A320-200 Air France and Lufthansa Twin Package Updated
69.13Mb (2278 downloads)
FSX/P3D >3 & 4 Airbus A320-200 Air France and Lufthansa twin package - updated versions. Air France and Lufthansa are both users of the A320-200. Lufthansa currently (2017) flies 67 with orders for 17 more. Air France currently operate 43 A320-200. Full working VC, working wipers, with groundhandling gauge and built in FMC. Added exits for Jetways (press Ctrl J) and better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel), Custom CFM sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus. Textures by Denis Minaev. Assembled for FSX/P3D by Chris Evans. Previous versions of this aircraft had over 9000 downloads.
Posted Sep 24, 2017 04:59 by chris evans