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Azul Airbus A350-900 v4
Azul Airbus A350-900 v4 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.21Mb (1790 downloads)
FSX Azul Airbus A350-900 v4. This CamSim version 4 features more Animated Ground Servicing (AGS), featuring trucks hooking and unhooking trailers and static displays. Tilted main landing gear bogies updated. 2d panel - No VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Sep 4, 2014 02:11 by camil valiquette
Chongqing Airlines Airbus A320-232
Chongqing Airlines Airbus A320-232
Chongqing Airlines Airbus A320-232 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
12.30Mb (1790 downloads)
Project Airbus A320-232 Chongqing Airlines package for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft model and texture of Chongqing Airlines are included, along with Panel,Sound and Virtual Cockpit from the Default A321. Original aircraft by Project Airbus, textures by He Lingyuan from China. This package still uses A320 V2 model as it is the only FSX based version offered, however the texture is created on A320 V2.1 paintkit and works fine. FS2004 users please search for the V2.1 package.
Posted Mar 17, 2012 22:52 by He Lingyuan
                  McDonnell Douglas AV8B Harrier II (Night Attack)
                  McDonnell Douglas AV8B Harrier II (Night Attack)
2.33Mb (1790 downloads)
FS2000 McDonnell Douglas AV8B Harrier II (Night Attack). Markings are of the US MARINES Attack Squadron 231 (VMA-231) 'Ace of Spades'. All new original model with moving ailerons, rudder, nosewheel steering, flaps and nozzles. Paint is the low observable grey scheme paint of Marine Harriers in the 90's. This was the AV8B Harrier II modified for Night Attack capabilities. Panel based on Phil Perrott Harrier Panel bitmap included and uses the FS2k GPS. Includes mini flight manual in .pdf format. Model and Paint by Jim Atkins. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  - FS2000 Sukhoi SU-29 AR New version of "Escuadrila Cruz del
2.25Mb (1790 downloads)
FS2002 - FS2000 Sukhoi SU-29 AR New version of "Escuadrila Cruz del Sur" Su-29 (Fuerza Aérea Argentina) Includes extra animations as rolling wheels, functional canopy and pilot head. FS2000 style propeller, panel and interior views. By Ariel Cimino and Cherar Suarez - (LatinSim Group). 2.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Bluestream Airlines (va) - Twin Otter - DHC6-300
14.83Mb (1790 downloads)
FS2004 Bluestream Airlines (va) - Twin Otter - DHC6-300 These are the BSA Twin Otters registration numbers N972BS and N973BS. These are based at KHAO - Hamilton, Ohio, USA and fly charter, air taxi, and scheduled passenger flights to various local airports. Includes panel and views by Premier Aircraft Design. Model made completely in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension, etc. Model by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy Fay and Bob May. Bluestream Airlines paint by John Elliott Young. 15.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
                  British Airways Boeing 757
FTD British Airways Boeing 757 (Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
3.32Mb (1790 downloads)
FTD British Airways Boeing 757 for FS2002 by Richard Barker. Brand new Model scratch built in FSDS2. Features include: High detail model, dynamic shine, reflective textures, animated and tilting gear, animated flaps, animated control surfaces, animated spoilers/airbrakes, opening nosecone, 3D exterior cockpit, dynamic wingveiws, vortex smoke system, accurate flight dynamics and much more! Produced with assistance from Monarch Aircraft Engineering, using original Boeing techinical drawings and data. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
LGSA - Chania Souda Airbase Crete
LGSA - Chania Souda Airbase Crete
LGSA - Chania Souda Airbase Crete (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.40Mb (1790 downloads)
Complete new Update Afcad and Scenery fix for LGSA- Chania - Souda Airbase Crete. Special thanks to Roger Politis for Beta testing over the weeks. Static F16 With kind permission and thanks to Guy Diotte who repainted in HAF Aegean Ghost Scheme for this scenery. Copy LGSA folder into Addon Scenery folder and activate in the usual way. I would welcome anyone to improve on the Terminal buildings as I have only used all default library items and would willingly delete them for more accuracy – please feel free to contact me if required. Enjoy.
Posted Jul 14, 2009 17:31 by alan mmcarthy
Boeing 747-400 Transaero
Boeing 747-400 Transaero (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.26Mb (1790 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Transaero. Transaero is an airline based in Moscow, Russia. It operates scheduled and charter flights to more than 70 domestic and international destinations. Model by Project Opensky.
Posted Jan 12, 2009 04:00 by Ryan C
FSX Update for Paul Clawson's FS2004 XF-108 Rapier
FSX Update for Paul Clawson's FS2004 XF-108 Rapier
7.93Mb (1789 downloads)
The XF-108 was designed to be a Mach 3 long range fighter primarily to escort the XB-70 Valkyrie. It originally had a simple delta wing and a delta shaped canard above and behind the cockpit. A mockup was built based on this final design but the project was canceled just after the mockup was approved in mid 1959. This is an FSX update of the FS9 model by the late Paul Clawson and features an entirely remodeled and improved VC and a 2D panel matching it. It was quite a project to get the VC to look somewhat like a real panel with pretty much authentic gauges. However, the interior still looks kind of basic with its green color and plain texture, which, unfortunately, could not be altered in any way. But as the aircraft looks really awesome, I considered it worth giving it new panels. Thanks to the late Paul Clawson for the original model. Also thanks to Philippe Wallaert for his excellent and authentic XB-70 gauges I've used in the panels for the most part. Credits also go to Erwin Welker for the extra camera views. The model may work in FS2004 and in P3D, but I'm not sure. New panels and FSX update by Michael Pook.
Posted Aug 5, 2017 13:08 by Michael Pook
Fokker T-5 Bomber
Fokker T-5 Bomber
Fokker T-5 Bomber (Category: FSX > Vintage)
50.03Mb (1789 downloads)
Fokker T-5 Bomber with complete new 2D-panel with working gauges (included) for FSX-Acceleration. An illusion of a VC (still better than an empty screen :-)). I also put in a GPS, radios, a bombsight panel, an autopilot and a nice minipanel. Part three of my project "Holland: 5 days in May 1940". All credits for this great model are for Richard Alexander van Hien (Payakan).
Posted Mar 19, 2014 12:23 by erik hertzberger