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BGLC                         is used for building BGL scenery or MDL files
BGLC is used for building BGL scenery or MDL files (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design)
0.84Mb (1787 downloads)
BGLC is used for building BGL scenery or MDL files. BGLC.EXE has built into it (as a resource) all the files needed to make BGL scenery (all the include files, and MASM) so this is the only tool anyone needs to make scenery. It also does not require the input file to be a pure asm file, BGLC will add the proper ASM headers/footers if needed, the input file can just start out with BGL macros. 857K
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
                  panel Boeing F-15E/I Panel for F-15 E/i version
1.34Mb (1787 downloads)
Fs2002 panel Boeing F-15E/I Panel for F-15 E/i version ; includes costum made HUD, all the windowsGPS AP RADIOS this panel is as real as it gets! for 1024*768* minimum By Johan Peeters. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
FSX/P3D Garmin GPS 500 Replacement Gauge V8 (Updated)
1.89Mb (1786 downloads)
It has been a few years since this gauge has been updated. There are not many changes. There is a workaround for a bug in P3D which prevents discovery of the correct frequency for an ILS approach. So now this gauge is fully P3D compatible. There is also a new feature to display the destination distance on the map and also display of radio frequencies on the VOR and NDB screens. Apart from that there are some cosmetic changes which are hardly noticeable. :: V8 Fixes the problem of the release and the ICAO Search did not work because of two characters missing. This fixes the problem in the original release yesterday. Previous version has 6000 downloads
Posted Feb 21, 2021 02:36 by G. Munro
F/A-18 military jet engine custom sound pack
F/A-18 military jet engine custom sound pack (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
73.72Mb (1786 downloads)
F/A-18 custom sound pack. A sound set for FSX F/A-18 Hornet or any similar military jet. Based on real sound samples. FSX sound cone technology is widely used to create an authentic and immersive sound environment. By Serge Luzin
Posted Dec 12, 2017 13:32 by uploader
LLBG Ben Gurion (Israel) ADEX Based
LLBG Ben Gurion (Israel) ADEX Based
LLBG Ben Gurion (Israel) ADEX Based (Category: FSX > Scenery)
28.03Mb (1786 downloads)
LLBG ADEX based scenery. Installation as usual. The project evolution is in the work folder enclosed to the package.
Posted Sep 26, 2014 11:34 by Sergey Stoyanov
FSClean (Category: FS98 > Utilities)
1.23Mb (1786 downloads)
FSClean is a utility to clean flight simulator in several ways. Firstly, it detects any excess files in your aircraft folders, jpg/gif/png/tif -- you name it, and you can add your own as well. It detects any repaints that are sitting there in their texture folder, but do not show in FS because of a misconfigured aircraft.cfg file. It also detects any broken references to textures. The main feature of FSClean is it's unused gauge detection engine. It will intelligently search for unused gauges and present the user several options. A gauge is not being used and taking up space? Send it to the GaugeCell, where it will be compressed and will await it's fate. If you see FS is working fine without it, delete it from the 'cell, else if FS needs it simply restore is -- it's that easy! FSClean will save you precious disk space which can be used for even more addons! Shareware, registration costs only $10, details at . By Balint Bartfai. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
                  GMAX Hughes 500D Los Angeles Sheriff helicopter
4.92Mb (1786 downloads)
FS2004 GMAX Hughes 500D Los Angeles Sheriff helicopter The Hughes 500 One of the world's most popular light turbine helicopters. Repainted Los Angeles County / Sheriff Helicopter. (Fotorealistic&Reflective textures),New digital Allison 250-C20B sound/ digital Cabin sound. Repainted & digital sound: by Batki Zoltán ( HC925MC ) Original Model by: Björn Büchner. 5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
AD-2 Skyraider
AD-2 Skyraider
AD-2 Skyraider (Category: CFS2 > Post WW2 Aircraft)
4.85Mb (1786 downloads)
The Douglas AD-2 Skyraider went into service in 1946 and served in the Korean War. She continued with the Navy, Marines and Air Force through Viet Nam into the mid 1970s. She was known as Skyraider, but more frequently referred to a Able Dog and SPAD, an acronym for Special Purpose Attack Douglas or Special Purpose Able Dog. SPAD is also a reference to such an aged prop job still flying in the age of jets. And she took down at least one MiG fighter in a gun duel over Viet Nam. This model in it's original simplified form first appeared in the Fox Four Red Star campaign as an AI. She was created by FangVV, Hayden Scott-Williams, AIR/CFG by Indio Black, Mike Eustace, DP by myself. I have upgraded/updated the source file to player level. Textures are by Sopwith Chameleon, James Peach. She comes dressed in her Navy skin, but an alternate Marine skin has been provided. The model is multi-LOD. She carries a complex panel by Mike sure to read the Panel Instrucitons, and has a rudimentary DVC. Her weapons are by Bbolt and Martin Wright. Installation: Simply place all of the files contained in the folders/subfolders of the download into the corresponding folders/subfolders of your CFS2 main directory. This is freeware, but must not be uploaded to any other site or modified without permission.
Posted Jan 14, 2010 19:09 by Tom Sanford
FS2002/2004 Grumman Goose "Maui Princess"
FS2002/2004 Grumman Goose "Maui Princess"
FS2002/2004 Grumman Goose "Maui Princess" (Category: FS2004 > Props)
7.45Mb (1786 downloads)
Take a charter tour of the islands aboard this vintage amphibian. Features a custom panel, and improved sound. Original aircraft by Mike Stone, repaint by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Sep 15, 2009 12:23 by Don Brynelsen
FSX USA 10 metre mesh, Batch 5 Part 4 of 8
FSX USA 10 metre mesh, Batch 5 Part 4 of 8 (Category: FSX > Terrain Mesh)
36.99Mb (1786 downloads)
USA EAST USGS 10 metre mesh terrain - FSX only. This constitutes 10 metre terrain mesh for a section of the USA, The whole USA East mesh files will abutt the US West Coast 10m mesh already available, that was made by: Raimondo Taburet. Make sure you have your scenery terrain settings at about 5 metres in the FSX display dialogue for the mesh to show properly! Includes: CO, NE, KS, IA, MO, IL, IN, KY.
Posted May 23, 2009 05:57 by Wayne Evans