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            AI Overhaul Pack Val
CFS2 AI Overhaul Pack Val (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
3.09Mb (1794 downloads)
CFS2 AI Overhaul Pack Val Replacement files for the Stock MS Val. Includes overhauled MS-model file. Modified Interior with Virtual Cockpit and Working Gauges. Rear gun and cowel flap fixes. Smashing Time De-mirrored textures. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
            Messerschmitt Bf110C-4
CFS1 Messerschmitt Bf110C-4 (Category: CFS1 > Aircraft)
0.63Mb (1794 downloads)
CFS1 Messerschmitt Bf110C-4 Twin engine German Fighter Oberleutnant Wolfgang Schenk, 1./SKG 210, Sechinskaya, USSR, September 1941 Major Wolfgang Falck, NJG 1, Arnhem, Autmn, 1940 Original Designers:- Mike Colclough and Gerald Keegan Textures, DP and AIR files by Mike Colclough 644K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Savoia Marchetti S.7
Italian Savoia Marchetti S.7 (Category: CFS1 > Aircraft)
0.09Mb (1794 downloads)
Italian Savoia Marchetti S.79.CFS Savoia Marchetti S.79 Italian air force (Regia Aeronautica) standard bomber during ww2 the S.79 "Sparviero" was extensively used as horizontal bomber and torpedo-bomber. Capable of a top speed of around 430 km/h was armed with 3x12,7mm and 2x7.7mm cannons. Typical bombload was of 5x250 kg or one torpedo. Includes model and damage-profile. Author: Corrado La Posta File size 94418
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
FS2002/2004                   Delta Airlines L-1011-100 "Spirit of Delta"/"Delta Belle" Textures                   only.
2.71Mb (1794 downloads)
FS2002/2004 Delta Airlines L-1011-100 "Spirit of Delta"/"Delta Belle" Textures only. You must Have (above) Lockheed L1011-100 Version 1.1 in Delta Airlines Special Old Colors. Repainted and Updated by Joe DeGregorio Added was the Tristar Logo on the center engine intake. A better alpha layer. Revised Colors. This is a special Livery dedicated to Deltas L-1011. N728DA was the last L-1011-100 to be retired by Delta on July.31st,2001. Various DAL Employees decorated the plane for its final flight to KVCV. The Delta Belle Logo was painted on the right nose of the real L-1011,I added it to both sides. I also added "Spirit of Delta" to the fuselage and the years of service 1973-2001 on the fusalage. This is a semi-fictional repaint. Current L-1011 projects: DAL NNC L-1011-500 DAL OOC L-1011-100 1776-1976 Bicentennial Livery. Copyright (c) Joe DeGregorio Flight Dynamics by Sam Chinn Original Aircraft and Paint by Charles Dayhuff. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive
F-111 PIG HUD PROJECT (Category: FSX > Payware)
22.36Mb (1794 downloads)
F-111 PIG HUD PROJECT FSX REPAINTS FOR ALPHASIM F-111 AARDVARK HUD . Very large number of NEW detail changes and refinements. Based on General Dynamics F-111 Structural Breakdown manual FZM-12-6282 plus 100s of photos , now closely matching photos and realism .TEXTURES ONLY for RAAF F-111 # A8-125, 135,138,141,145,147 and 148 tail numbers and emblem or flash. GUNSHIP GREY AIRCRAFT with GREEN BOMBS. Multiple separate model/aircraft descriptions included. Specifically created for use with F-111 Aardvark HUD - enhanced capability situation awareness freeware panel. The F-111s performance still out classes ALL modern aircraft manufactured to date .A MUST HAVE for all F-111 operators. View included screenshots . By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Jul 19, 2010 07:25 by Karol Chlebowski
Boeing B-52G-H ColdWar
Boeing B-52G-H ColdWar (Category: FSX > Military)
52.10Mb (1793 downloads)
"Well, this is it, boys! Toe to toe nuclear combat with the rooskies!" Alphasim B-52G and B-52H, coldwar period, because the 21st century sucks. Slick and Hound Dog armed G and H. FSX materials and tags. See readme file. For FSX-P3D only. Stores package follows. More latter.
Posted Dec 21, 2022 00:55 by Buck Turgidson
Victoria International Airport, BC, Canada, CYYJ (2017) for FS9, FSX and P3D
120.31Mb (1793 downloads)
CYYJ (2017), Version 7, is a major upgrade to CYYJ (2014). It portrays the Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) International Airport (CYYJ), aviation museum, Pat Bay floatplane base (CAP5) and Coast Guard station, and nearby industrial park as they appeared in early 2017 - as well as a host of static aircraft. It is fully compatible with Victoria+ (both FS2004 And FSX versions), Ultimate Terrain Canada/Alaska for FS2004 and Ultimate Terrain X - Canada for FSX, ORBX's FTX NA Blue and other FS9 road and shoreline upgrades for the area. CYYJ (2017) includes aircraft and traffic files for a realistic AI scenario other than scheduled airline operations. (Use BC Regional AI - also available from this file library - for scheduled traffic). Version 7 adds all the recent major new construction and apron expansion at CYYJ, and includes a greater level of detail in many areas.
Posted May 24, 2017 13:41 by Don Grovestsine
FSX Update for the Avro Vigilant 730
FSX Update for the Avro Vigilant 730
FSX Update for the Avro Vigilant 730 (Category: FSX > Military)
35.43Mb (1793 downloads)
The Avro 730 was a planned Mach 3 reconnaissance aircraft and strategic bomber for the Royal Air Force. If it had proceeded into service, the aircraft would have replaced the V bombers as the primary nuclear weapons delivery system for Britain's nuclear deterrent. It was cancelled in 1957 along with other development on manned aircraft as part of the 1957 Defence White Paper. This package is an FSX Acceleration update for the Avro Vigilant 730, originally designed by Kazunori Ito for FS2004. It features the default texture by Ito as well as three excellent ones by an unknown designer. It corrects some issues of an earliar FSX update from 2011 (which included the three new textures) like faulty contact points and FSX incompatible gauges and features slight enhancements for the VC and 2D panel. Credits go to Kazunori Ito for the terrific original model and to the nameless texture designer. All updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 6, 2016 07:51 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-900 Kuwait Airways Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-900 Kuwait Airways Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-900 Kuwait Airways Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
49.55Mb (1793 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-900 Kuwait Airways. Kuwait's national airline has (as of 2016) 10 Airbus A350-900 on order. The 1st deliveries are expected in 2019. Textures by Emiliano Rujano. Assembled using the pack base by FSPainter and config updated by Mees Jansen with Thomas Ruth's A330 panel with added Garret Smith's FMC and some further edits by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 4, 2016 07:03 by chris evans
FSX Arado Project 1 FSX Updated
FSX Arado Project 1 FSX Updated
FSX Arado Project 1 FSX Updated (Category: FSX > Vintage)
10.76Mb (1793 downloads)
This delta winged jet, designed as a night fighter for the German Luftwaffe towards the end of WWII in 1945, actually was never built. The package features FSX compatible gauges, a basic VC and new smoke effects. Original model by Kazunori Ito, updated for FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 17, 2013 08:55 by Michael Pook