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H&S Design BK117 Europe 1 Pack 1.0
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
313.74Mb (1797 downloads)
H&S Design BK117 Europe 1 Pack 1.0 for FS2004
This Europe 1 package requires the installation of the H&S BK117 Base pack in order to work correctly. Included are 14 different models and 10 repaints. Created by Thomas Roehl and H&S Design Team of VA Luftrettung
Important: The base package H&S Design BK117 is needed for gauges
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 3, 2013 18:57 by uploader

Bombardier CRJ 100/200LR Added Views
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.08Mb (1797 downloads)
Reworked and additional views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for the beautiful Bombardier CRJ-100/200LR by Premier Aircraft Design.
A total of 8 cameras pointing at the aircraft and a total of 4 virtual cockpit cameras.
See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures.
Also included is a text file that contains the new camera definitions.
Enjoy !
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 30, 2011 23:13 by Marc Renaud
Military Splash Screen
(Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
1.93Mb (1797 downloads)
Military Splash Screen These are a few Splash Screens
of modern military aircraft. For use with the splash screen
randomizer found at
By Stephen Piper. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive
Texture fixes for the default Curtiss Jenny paintwork,
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
7.12Mb (1797 downloads)
Texture fixes for the default Curtiss Jenny paintwork, including
virtual cockpit which can appear blurred as they come in the
box, for users without the very latest vid/graphics cards. These
texture fixes clears up the paintwork to what they should be.
The texture fixes are self-installing. Fixed by Tony Gould.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
De Havilland DH100 Vampire F Mk 3 Italian Air Force Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.52Mb (1797 downloads)
De Havilland DH100 Vampire F Mk 3 Italian Air Force Textures
Compilation Textures Only for 6 different aircrafts : 2nd, 4th,
6th Stormo Caccia, Scuola Turbogetti (2), Acrobatic Team "Cavallino
Rampante", Italy 1951/1958. These textures require the original
aircraft by Roger Hardy/David Friswell/I. D'Attomo (here).
Installation instructions are included. Repaint by Manuele Villa.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
2.62Mb (1797 downloads)
Default FS2002 PA-28, made flyable with added panel. 2.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER Horizon Air.
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.01Mb (1797 downloads)
Bombardier/Canadair CRJ700-ER Horizon Air.
A 70/75 seat, Twin Turbo Fan Regional Airliner. Horizon Air
Reg# N610QX. An FSDS 2.24 Design with 2D Panel, Dynamic VC and
Night Effects. Now includes Wing Views. Full Animation Featuring
Operating Airstair, Thrust Reverser, Leading Edge Slats, steerable
Nose Wheel, HTML Check & Reference Lists, Custom Sound, a Panel_Docs_Help
folder and more. View the readme first.txt in the zip file for
complete install instructions. Special Thanks to Nick Linehan,
Mesa Group CRJ700 / 900 Pilot for his assistance in this project.
Enjoy flying the 4th version of this great aircraft. A CRJ900
is coming soon. By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob
May - Premier Aircraft Design. 10.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive

J-35 Draken Update
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
0.11Mb (1797 downloads)
Config update for SAAB J-35 Draken by Thomas Nilsson released as ""
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 16, 2009 06:51 by Michal Lubiscak

Aerion AS2 Concept BizJet
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
20.06Mb (1796 downloads)
Here's a supersonic bizjet for you to fly around in. The Aerion AS2. Cruises at mach 1.4! Good for getting somewhere a little quicker than other commercial and private jets. Dietmar Loleit's awesome FLTInfo gauge is included with his permission. Also included with their permission is the TGS (Taxi Guidance System) gauge from PF3 ATC, which is a great ATC program (I use it almost daily). Includes a 3D VC panel only, no 2d panel. This AS2 is Freeware.
Posted Dec 5, 2019 05:04 by uploader

FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Cargo Airlines
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
40.83Mb (1796 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Cargo Airlines. American cargo airline Kalitta Air is headquartered in Ypsilanti airport, Michigan. Currently Kalitta operate 4 Boeing 747-400F versions out of a fleet of 16 aircraft.
Project Opensky native FSX Boeing 747-400F assembled and upgraded for FSX/P3D with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility. In P3D go to Vehicle - Instrument panel - Posky Utility), opening nose section and more.
Included CF engine sounds with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have added the great textures by P Rodrigues.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look.
Assembled, edited and tested in FSX Acceleration and P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 25, 2017 13:30 by chris evans