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Indira Gandhi Intl Airport
Indira Gandhi Intl Airport (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.03Mb (1772 downloads)
Indira Gandhi Intl Airport, India, scenery update. VIDP for FSX using satellite images and AIP data
Posted Aug 30, 2009 11:31 by Himanshu Singh
Dornier Do-335 Pfeil
Dornier Do-335 Pfeil
Dornier Do-335 Pfeil (Category: FSX > Vintage)
61.59Mb (1771 downloads)
Dornier Do-335 Pfeil. Update for FSX. New skins, sound. All credits for Simtech Flight Design Ltd. 61.5MB
Posted Aug 27, 2016 10:01 by Rodolfo Valery
            McDonnell F2H2 Banshee
CFS2/FS2000 McDonnell F2H2 Banshee (Category: CFS2 > Post WW2 Aircraft)
6.53Mb (1771 downloads)
CFS2/FS2000 McDonnell F2H2 Banshee FSDS Model re design, F2h2_Banshee.air file, Aircaft.config, Panel, Textures. and Object_dp, by Jim Jacobson from an original design by JP Demmerle. 6.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:30 by archive
                  Saskatoon Airport, Saskatchewan, Canada
3.48Mb (1771 downloads)
FS2004 Saskatoon Airport, Saskatchewan, Canada CYXE. This is our little airport .All the buildings are hand made ,most from digital pictures of the real airport .Some of the buildings are made up from my own mind to add a little extra to the scenery. 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  FlyFT Airbus A318
FS2000/2002 FlyFT Airbus A318 (Category: FS2002 > Civil Jets)
2.99Mb (1771 downloads)
FS2000/2002 FlyFT Airbus A318. Original by K.Simmelink / N. Botamer. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
Alfs UK Airfields Volume 17
Alfs UK Airfields Volume 17
Alfs UK Airfields Volume 17 (Category: FSX > Scenery)
13.58Mb (1771 downloads)
Alfs UK Airfields Volume 17. This Volume consists of: Currock Hill X5CH Kirkbride EG86 Lands End/St. Just EGHC. Although FSX scenery is a great improvement on FS2004, there are still many small airfields in the UK with little or no details. I have tried to improve this in a small way. I do not not aim to make them accurate, only better. They were compiled using aerial views from Google Earth, Pooleys UK Flight Guide, and the FSX SDK Object Placement Tool and Airport Design Editor v1.40. Extra items were produced using Instant Object Maker v1.2 from Alf Denham
Posted Feb 17, 2010 06:10 by Alf Denham
FSX A330 German Tanker
FSX A330 German Tanker
FSX A330 German Tanker (Category: FSX > Military)
41.50Mb (1770 downloads)
FSX A330 MRTT German Air tanker package. Model by Thomas Ruth with VC. Textures by Thomas Dussel.
Posted Dec 29, 2016 03:04 by Thomas Duessel
Soviet Delfin class CVL and Escort and YAK-141 Update Pack
Soviet Delfin class CVL and Escort and YAK-141 Update Pack
12.46Mb (1770 downloads)
Soviet Delfin Swath Light Fleet Carrier project, Project 115 Udaloy II DDG Ca 1987. The Soviet kick at the Sea Control Ship can, one of the 'Dolphin' studies resulted in this handsome Swath (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) Light fleet with a freestyle/Helix airgroup. The only information I had to work with was a small photo of a presentation model. Best guess- length:662 ft, Beam:210 ft oa, flight deck 637 ft x 193 ft, displacement approx 17-20,000 tons. The Udaloy II DDG is a general purpose vairiant of the Udaloy I ASW DDG. Optimised as a multi role fleet escort with enhansed ASUW/AA and General purpose armament.Of the same vintage and role as the US Spruance class DDH/DDG, The Udaloys have not enjoyed quite the same sucess as the Spruance class, only a singe Udaloy II entering service. With attached effects versions, no effects, with and with out deckpark. Night maps and internal illumination. versions included.Also includes a update pack for Hadi Tahir's YaK-141 V.2, featuring a number of repaints, adds radar to the panel that will detect AI ships, and some nudges to the config file to make the model easier to handle aboard and in transitional flight. For FSX and AICarriers 2
Posted Aug 31, 2013 18:18 by Lazarus
Crossing Brazil Over Water...Part II
Crossing Brazil Over Water...Part II
Crossing Brazil Over Water...Part II (Category: FSX > Missions)
70.18Mb (1770 downloads)
This Mission or Adventure Flight will be taking you across Brazil for a journey of 1254 N.Miles. It is devided in Three Parts. This is teh Second Part where you will continue the flight from Sao Gabriel de Cachoeria stoping on the way until you reach Barcelos, here you will change airplanes. Now in the small Savanna 38 you will fly out to the little mission run by Father Becolucchi where you will deliver his new small but powerful organ and some Bibles. You then return to Barcelos again and continue the flight to the largest port in the amazon, the city of Manaus..
Posted Apr 21, 2011 15:36 by Gera Godoy Canova
FS2000 Professional Turboprop soundset (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
3.01Mb (1770 downloads)
FS2000 Professional Turboprop soundset for small liners as J31, emb 120, saab 340. Only edited wavs included. See readme.txt for correct installation! By Reinhard Herrmann. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive