Mar 06, 2025 |
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Updated Ranger 6000FT. base camp scenary from FSXF.
13.32Mb (1769 downloads)
Updated-New scenary objects. This Scenary is good for resupply training missions with Helos, or daring prop pilots.(NO RUNWAY) This is for the Ranger 6000ft.base camp, The airport name is Ranger 6000ft. base camp.(SRTC) The NDB(none directional beacon) frequency is 217.0, NDB Range is 100 NM. Camp is 65 NM. East of Port Hardy British Columbia-CYZT. Or 164 NM. North-West of Vancouver Intl. British Colimbia-CYVR.
Posted Jul 12, 2008 21:13 by archive
Sukhoi Superjet Interjet AI made flyable for FSX and P3D
Sukhoi Superjet Interjet AI made flyable for FSX and P3D
70.63Mb (1768 downloads)
FSX/P3D Sukhoi Superjet Interjet AI made flyable for FSX and P3D. This is the freeware UTT AI model Sukhoi Superjet 100. I added the Airbus VC by Bjoern Kesten. Its the nearest VC I find for this model. Mexico Interjet has 22 SSJ-100. For full vc see this FSX/P3D native GMAX model. Needs a good runways for takeoff. Maybe 160-180kts. I tested with P3Dv4 & v3 and also should work in FSX Danny Garnier.
Posted May 10, 2019 07:25 by GARNIER D
FSX SE (Steam Edition) Short Belfast Package
FSX SE (Steam Edition) Short Belfast Package
33.36Mb (1768 downloads)
FSX SE (Steam Edition) Short Belfast Package. The Short Belfast is a heavy lift turboprop freighter that was built by British manufacturer Short Brothers at Belfast. New 'ex payware' release from Virtavia. Package includes 4 liveries - Heavy Lift, heavy Lift 2, RAF & TAC.
Posted May 30, 2017 05:16 by uploader
 Belluno Vajont X (LIDB), Italy
 Belluno Vajont X (LIDB), Italy
Belluno Vajont X (LIDB), Italy (Category: FSX > Scenery)
6.72Mb (1768 downloads)
Airfield of Belluno (LIDB) and dam of Vajont in Italy.
Posted Oct 11, 2014 12:30 by Voyager
IRIS F-14A Freeware VF-103 Textures
IRIS F-14A Freeware VF-103 Textures
IRIS F-14A Freeware VF-103 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Military)
9.72Mb (1768 downloads)
This is the old VF-103 Sluggers textures from the mid to late 80's to 1990 from what I remember when I was an AO in VFA-81 on the Saratoga. This particular aircraft, (tail I.D. AA201) has a Buno of 162706. This particular aircraft was obtained in the mid 80's and flew until April 18, 1996 where it met its end in a heavily wooded area just outside NAS Oceana When it was returning from a mission. Thankfully,the crew survived. I apologize for the last upload of this file, there were issues with downloading it. This is freeware so, do with it as you will. Have fun and happy landings.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 6, 2010 22:45 by Kelly McKernan
Fieseler Fi186C2 (Category: CFS1 > Aircraft)
0.71Mb (1768 downloads)
Fieseler Fi186C2, FS98\CFS Fieseler Fi.186 C-2. STOL Luftwaffe utility aircraft. Possibly one of the most important aircraft used in WWII. It served as a spotter, camera, rescue, liasion, and medical transport platform on all fronts during the war. Panel and 3 sets of textures included. File size 746736
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
                  FS Flight Tracker V5.1.1.
FS2002 FS Flight Tracker V5.1.1. (Category: FS2002 > Utilities)
7.76Mb (1768 downloads)
FS2002 FS Flight Tracker V5.1.1. More than a log, automatically record: aircraft type, aircraft reg number, airline + flight number , out, off, on, in times + fuel, aircraft weights. block time + fuel, flight time + fuel, origin and destination ICAO airport codes + names, weather. Report time in local or Zulu (GMT). Report fuel in lbs, gal or kg. Shareware with ten use evaluation period ($14.00 US registration). By K. D. Lovell. 8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Texture fixes for the default Lockheed Vega paintwork,
3.06Mb (1768 downloads)
FS2004 Texture fixes for the default Lockheed Vega paintwork, including virtual cockpit, which can appear blurred as they come in the box, for users without the very latest vid/graphics cards. These texture fixes clears up the paintwork to what they should be. The texture fixes are self-installing. Fixed by Tony Gould. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  P-51D Mustang "Speedball Alice" Textures only
0.58Mb (1768 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 P-51D Mustang "Speedball Alice" Textures only. This package contains "my textures only" of Warwick Carter's P-51D (here). It's the modern day version of Triple Ace Donald H Bochkay's Speedball Alice P-51D, which now is privately owned. His first Speedball Alice was a "B" model. 590K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
FSX                  Long Island Classics Christen Eagle II FSX SP2 gauge fix
0.06Mb (1768 downloads)
FSX Long Island Classics Christen Eagle II FSX SP2 gauge fix. (original aircraft here) To install simply copy the gaugeglass.bmp file into each of your texture folders. Thanks to Kevin Lechmanski and Dan Hufford at for a superb aircraft. Nick Cooper. 63K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive