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Messerschmitt ME262A & ME262B_U1 Package
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
12.62Mb (8529 downloads)
Messerschmitt ME262A & ME262B_U1 Package.
General: You are about to install the ME262 package which has
the nostalgic style of the old machine but the comfort (qua
gauges) of a modern jet plane. These ME262's have the Airspeed
indicator from the Boeing 737 and the altimeter and the heading
indicator from the Cessna 208. They also have an autopilot capability.
I changed the contact-points so the birds make contact with
the ground and taxi the way they should. The sound-file is also
improved so the Swallows sound like they must have sounded in
the ancient times (i suggest you turn on your sound systems
to maximum, unless you have old traumatised neighbours (in that
case use headphones)). These aircraft, originally designed for
CFS2, are now completely modified to operate fully in FS9. Flight
Model By: Jerry Beckwith. Presented by R. Spaan. 12.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
Kamov Ka-10M.
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
11.99Mb (8528 downloads)
Kamov Ka-10M. The
Kamov Ka-10M (NATO reporting name 'Hat') was a single seat observation
helicopter designed for ship-borne operations with the Soviet
Navy. The first Ka-10 flew in September 1949, and 12 units were
built. These helicopters were tested at length, but did not
enter production or service. Although the actual Ka-10M was
powered by a piston engine, we felt that the Helo-turbine/Turboprop
hybrid of air and cfg files (currently used by the majority
of fs addon helicopters) offered a far better prospect of creating
a realistic and enjoyable flight model. Model and textures -
Shawn Lund Airfile, Additional Gauges, Sound, and 2D panel -
Pete Clayson Rotor textures - Brian McIntyre Exhaust Effect
- Jörg Bartels. 12.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive

Airbus A319-100 Easyjet Amsterdam Hub Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
57.88Mb (8527 downloads)
Airbus A319-100 Easyjet - Amsterdam Hub-cs for FSX. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with better gauges and popup FMC (Go to FSX top menu - Go to Views -Instrument Panel), GPWS callouts. Custom CFM sounds. Corrected VC views. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus. High quality textures by Mathieu Vos. FSX assembled and tested by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 4, 2015 06:56 by chris evans

FSX Iron Maiden Boeing 737-800 Textures only
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.65Mb (8525 downloads)
FSX Iron Maiden Boeing 737-800 Textures only.
A repaint of the default B737-800
by Jon Murchison.
Posted Jun 8, 2008 13:24 by Premium User
FSX/SP1 Fouga Magister CM170 Package, v1.1
(Category: FSX > Military)
29.54Mb (8524 downloads)
Fouga Magister CM170 Package, v1.1
. A French military jet trainer designed by the Restauravia
Team. INCLUDES vc (Virtual cockpit) Model by Andre Chancel.
Posted Nov 24, 2009 12:18 by archive

Boeing 747-430M Lufthansa D-ABTD Hamburg
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
9.66Mb (8522 downloads)
Boeing 747-430M Lufthansa D-ABTD Hamburg This is a repaint
of Lufthansa's 747-430M combi 'Hamburg'. The textures are painstakingly
painted right down to the details with accurate markings, window
configurations, wings and engines. Mostly handpainted and features
realistic dirt effects (after examining photos of the Lufthansa
744 fleet). Day textures with realistic reflections are in quality
32bit format. Painted over a duration of 7 months - It also
includes some photorealistic misc, and internal parts textures
(e.g. doors, 3D looking engine fans, below deck & main deck
cargo compartments). All textures have been altered from the
paintkit. Painted on Project Opensky's quality 747-400 v3 gMAX
model for FS2002, compatible with FS2004. Painted by Dickson
Chan. 10MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive

Grumman C-1A Trader from USS Lexington CVT-16 circa 1976
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.10Mb (8520 downloads)
Grumman C-1A Trader from USS Lexington CVT-16 circa 1976 (Updated
& fixed) . The C-1A Trader is a S-2 Tracker variant that
was designed as a Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD) aircraft to
provide passenger, mail and cargo services to deployed carriers.
First flown in 1955, the last Trader was retired in 1988. This
C-1A (BuNo 136754) entered the Naval Aviation Museum collection
from the USS Lexington (CVT-16) in 1976 following completion
of its 15,000 service life hours. Includes folding wings. FSDS2
Model by Tomohito UNAYAMA, Flight Dynamics by Eric DANTES, Panel
by Syunpy. Repaint by Willy McCoy. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive

Atlas Cheetah C
(Category: FSX > Military)
15.69Mb (8517 downloads)
Atlas Cheetah C package for
The aircraft is depicted in the colours of the South African Airforce. The aircraft was designed as close as possible to the real aircraft. The package consist of the model, panel, sound, VC and is fully animated. All the gauges are designed in xml format, and are described in a document. A number of sub panels are included and toggled from the main panel. Please read the instructions to operate the panel and aircraft optimally.
Posted Apr 18, 2009 11:10 by Thinus Pretorius
Modified Terrain Textures Config File
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.31Mb (8516 downloads)
Modified Terrain Textures Config File.
. Flight Simulator X terrain is defined in the terrain.cfg file.
During testing, we have determined a certain number of modifications
to this file that will correct some problems with the FS world
and also provide more options for scenery designers. For example,
in some places, water bodies display rocky areas - this file
fixes that. Note: It does not smooth out the
terrain - just colors it so it isn't so obviously flawed. Richard
Ludowise, Luis Féliz-Tirado. 318K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive

Updated Carrier Group Oceana V2.0 from FSXF
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
12.92Mb (8516 downloads)
(Updated-Carriers/Cruisers/Destroyers,(Arrestor cables work) Added Choopers on decks, Added LOC/DME Carrier1-R1 108.95Mhz Ident IABA Cat II, Carrier2-R2 109.30Mhz Ident IABB Cat III, NO BACK COARSE OR GLIDE SLOPE)
This is for the FSXF-Carrier Group Oceana, The airport name is FSXF-CarrierGroupOceana.(KNTC) The NDB(none directional beacon) frequency is 401.0,
NDB Range is 100 NM. carrier Group is 12 NM. North-East of Oceana NAS.
You can't spawn on the decks of the Carriers.
Posted Jul 16, 2008 06:41 by archive