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Boeing 707 2 D Panel
(Category: FSX > Panels)
1.65Mb (7611 downloads)
2 D panel for Boeing 707 based on real pictures. I have added a gauge for the autopilot more convenient than the original one. See informations concerning installation and instructions in the readme.txt file. All original gauges in xml.
Posted Jan 26, 2010 02:43 by Philippe Wallaert

CASA C-212 Aviocar FACH
(Category: CFS1 > Modern Aircraft)
1.64Mb (7609 downloads)
FS98/CFS CASA C-212 Aviocar
Chilean Air Force - Fuerza Aerea de Chile
The Spanish C-212 is a tough, simple, cost-effective twin turboprop with fixed landing gear, as well as a large rear freight door with ramp.
It is used by Chilean Air Force and Chilean Army for troops or skydivers transport, cargo and light vehicles transport.
Detailed textures and doors opens when engines shut down.
Aircarft design by Johan Crous.
Moving parts by Daniel Gazzano.
Damage profile, sound and repaint with Chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Jan 7, 2010 19:25 by Edmundo Abad

FS2004/FSX Project Opensky Boeing 777 Service Pack
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.24Mb (7608 downloads)
This revised 777 package inclues: - Correct 777 performance and feel based on airline FAA Level D simulators and documentation. - Use of MSFS payload and fuel editor. - Use of MSFS flight planner and Navigation Log for flight/fuel planning. - Use of true 777 landing gear footprint as default gear points. Standard 3-wheel points have been included as an additional option [courtesy of Philip Foglar, POSKY] in this update along with more new variants of 777-200ER [PW4098, GE90-90B]. Engine start-up time has been modified again for more realistic timing [YouTube Video was used as a reference]. Also included are the FDEs for the recently released 777-300 series. AES Compatability files included. The FDEs included for this series are copyrighted by Project Opensky, Brandon D. Henry, and Warren C. Daniel.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 1, 2009 04:55 by Project Opensky

Dassault Rafale C Nato Tigermeet 2014
(Category: FSX > Military)
33.70Mb (7602 downloads)
This pack contains model, VC, Flares, Smoke, and upgraded Afterburner. Model by: Pioffet Cyril. Repaint by: Mees Jansen. As far as i know only suitable for FSX. But might work in FS2004.
Posted Sep 16, 2014 11:20 by Mees Jansen

Boeing 747-400 Aeromexico Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.25Mb (7600 downloads)
Aeromexico Boeing 747-400 textures only for the default B747-400. Carlo Calvillo
Posted Jan 14, 2009 04:34 by Uploader

Virtavia F-4 Phantom II Updated
(Category: FSX > Military)
49.56Mb (7596 downloads)
update for FSX of the Virtavia F-4 Phantom II . The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor fighter/fighter-bomber originally developed for the United States Navy by McDonnell Aircraft. Aircraft by Virtavia. Update panel and parameters by unknown.
Posted Sep 21, 2014 01:03 by uploader
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
16.05Mb (7594 downloads)
Boeing E3-D AWACS RAF This
full package will install the UK version of the E3 Awacs. It
was converted from the original gmax source from Rok Dolenec.
This conversion adds many of the UK versions extras, but the
main enhancement is the ROTATING RADOME feature. The dome will
rotate contstantly, and is also visable when flying online,
so it makes a great experience when flying online with your
friends. This pack includes panel, and sounds. Updated by UKMil.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:28 by archive

Boeing 747-48E Qantas One World with VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
19.50Mb (7593 downloads)
Boeing 747-48E Qantas One World. Updated to include default Boeing 747-400 VC and 2d panel. Other edits to make it work OK in FSX with a vc.
Updated by Chris Evans. Many thanks to the great talents of Skyspirit/Project Opensky for the model and Xudeva Irribarra for his great repainter talent.
Updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 26, 2011 06:20 by Chris Evans

Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante Brazilian Air Force Package V2
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
106.32Mb (7593 downloads)
The Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante is a general purpose 15-21 passenger twin-turboprop light transport aircraft suitable for military and civil duties. It is manufactured by the Brazilian corporation, Embraer. This model is fully comprehensive and includes VC (virtual cockpit) Included models C-95, C-95B, C-95C, P-95B, SC-95B ... Included Panel e sound. Author: Denis da Silva Oliveira and Daniel da Silva Oliveira.
Posted Nov 3, 2009 12:56 by Denis Oliveira

Boeing 717 Multi Livery Package V2
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
52.66Mb (7590 downloads)
Boeing 717 Multi Livery. This package has the aircraft.cfg fixed due to problems with some textures. Includes a 2d panel made specially for the B717 by Phillipe Wallaert. No VC.
Posted Oct 25, 2011 21:08 by Luis Quintero