All Time Popular > Page 2029

V1 Flying Bomb Pack
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
2.59Mb (1688 downloads)
V1 Flying Bomb Pack Multi-resolution animated model for V2
german rocket with 5 historical camouflages. A must for mission
developers and Quick Combat fans. Sound and effects included. By Carlos
Magalhaes, from Metal Dreams. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
Super Cub PA18 CFG files.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.02Mb (1688 downloads)
Super Cub PA18 CFG files.
These aircraft.cfg files will correct some bugs in my Super
Cubs (previous page) . By J.E.Narcizo - RanchoJEN. 20K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
Boeing 747-400 Malaysia Airlines Default Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
0.87Mb (1688 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Malaysia Airlines Default Textures only.
This is a Repainting from the house RP in Malaysia Airlines
(MAS)Colors. With much love to the details has arisen this
repainting. With night-light and reflective texture. Installation
in Deutsch and English. Made by Robby Pauletto. 887K -
Update with this update, the problem is removed to be
able to through-look with the logo-contours
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:29 by archive

Air Flamenco BN-2 Islander Fleet
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
7.84Mb (1688 downloads)
Air Flamenco is a Regional Airline base in Puerto Rico that transport Passengers as well as Cargo in the Caribbean
with their BN-2 Islanders Fleet.Here are some of their Islanders Passengers fleet with their respective names.Models
incolude 2D Panel and Virtual Cockpit. Model by Marcel Kuhnt, other files by Roberto "Rotol" Ayala and Repaints by
Rafael "Fefi" Ortiz.
Posted Feb 25, 2010 22:43 by Rafael "Fefi" Ortiz

Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
20.60Mb (1688 downloads)
FSX Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery. VFR scenery of Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield and surroundings for FSX (SP2). Inonu Airfield, also known as Turkish Aeronautical Association Inonu Training Center is the main glider training center of Turkey. The scenery contains detailed and realistic scenery and autogen placement and some photoreal texture components. By Sunay KILIC.
Posted May 20, 2009 16:37 by Sunay KILIC

P3D > v4.* /FSX Airbus A321-200 Jetstar package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
71.80Mb (1687 downloads)
P3D > v4.* /FSX Airbus A321-200 Jetstar package. Qantas owned Jetstar is based in Melbourne, Australia and is a low cost airline with detinations mainly throughout Australia but as far as New Zealand, China and Hawaii. As of December 2018, Jetstar operate 8 Airbus A321. Native FSX model by Project Airbus. Includes enhanced Thomas Ruth Airbus VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Added the great textures by Matthew Tank. Fixed wheel levels. Fixed jetway codes. Tested in P3D v4. Airbus sounds included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jan 1, 2018 11:13 by chris evans

Double Box Wing Jet
(Category: FSX > Misc)
34.98Mb (1687 downloads)
FSX DBW-J. The Double Box Wing - Jet is based on the "Double Boxtail" design pioneered by Synergy Aircraft, LLC while the body is influenced by WoWAir's RIGID-WING 1.1 WG-ultralight turbine powered wing-glider. Features animated parts, virtual cockpit with illuminated glass gauges amd 2D panel. By Mark J. S. Macaluso
Posted May 22, 2015 04:11 by uploader

HMS Bounty Update v1.2
(Category: FSX > Misc)
1.25Mb (1687 downloads)
HMS Bounty V1.2 Update for FSX Previous VERSIONS
Built Specifically for FSX - (separate package required for FS9 versions)
by Milton Shupe, Nigel Richards, Rob Barendregt, Sasha Rieger, and Rob Ibey. Helmsman by Craig "Full" Richardson
The update simply replaces the Panel folder for the HMS Bounty.
WILL NOT WORK IN FS9 as it contains FSX native texture formatting and FSX specific sim interfaces. (Separate FS9 package available.)
Version 1.2 upgrades:
1) Further improvements regarding wind effects on yaw and roll based on the confluence of sails deployed, wind speeds and direction relative to ship heading, yard arms angle to the wind, and ground speed.
2) Auto-Skipper greatly improved for high winds and gusts to minimize the showing/hiding of sails and improve roll with gusts
Required files:
required file
Posted May 14, 2015 00:58 by Milton Shupe

FSX/FS2004 Focke-Wulf Ta 152C
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.15Mb (1687 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Focke-Wulf Ta 152C
The Focke-Wulf Ta 152C was Kurt Tank's finest fighter, and the one which represented the pinnacle of mainstream development of the Fw 190 line. Series production orders for the Ta 152C had been placed in October 1944, but the actual production was only just beginning when Allied forces overran the assembly plants, so this fighter never entered service with the Luftwaffe.Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration Windows 7/8.GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Aug 25, 2014 15:58 by A.F.Scrub

Battle of Britain - RAF
(Category: CFS2 > Missions & Campaigns)
8.02Mb (1687 downloads)
This is my Battle of Britain megapack, containing seven campaigns and a total of 110 missions. The installation procedure has been modified slightly, removing some complicated instructions for the primary aircraft, and four new missions have been added to one of the campaigns which was not in the original package.
Posted Jan 1, 2014 16:03 by Andrew Talbot