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Airbus A380-800 Air Berlin "OneWorld" Package with Upgraded VC
Airbus A380-800 Air Berlin "OneWorld" Package with Upgraded VC
128.08Mb (8076 downloads)
Project Airbus A380-800, Air Berlin "OneWorld" D-AERQ package for FSX with upgraded VC including working wipers, FMC. by Thomas Ruth with small VC edits by Chris Evans. Credits go to the great talents of Project Airbus, Thomas Ruth & Stefan Bree for the textures. New Thomas Ruth VC with FMC added by Chris Evans. FMC now incorporated into the VC.
Posted Sep 17, 2014 10:57 by chris evans
FS2004 ERCO 415 Ercoupe.
FS2004 ERCO 415 Ercoupe. (Category: FS2004 > Props)
5.22Mb (8076 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 ERCO 415 Ercoupe. This was designed by several engineers at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) in response to a Bureau of Air Commerce design competition during the mid 1930s for an easy-to-fly, safe airplane. The Engineering and Reseach Company (ERCO) was founded to develop the design. The 415 utilized a two-control system with a control wheel linking the rudder, ailerons and nose wheel. The wheel also controlled the elevator. This arrangement eliminated the need for rudder pedals. Four kind of models and five kind of paint examples are included. by Kazunori Ito.
Posted Sep 6, 2008 03:18 by K Ito
Boeing 747-451 Lufthansa D-ABVH with Enhanced VC
Boeing 747-451 Lufthansa D-ABVH with Enhanced VC
30.50Mb (8075 downloads)
SkySpirit 2011 - Boeing 747-451 Lufthansa D-ABVH with Enhanced VC Skyspirit FSX native Boeing 747-400 passenger model upgraded using the vastly improved Boeing 747 VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND (See panel docs for details). VC includes FMC, EICAS, MFD with control panel, GPWS, working wipers, cabin lights, fire suppression, avionics switch, fuel crossfeed, landing lights switches, taxi light switch, engine generators, APU generator, battery switch, starter switches, de-ice switch, general lights switches. Beautiful Skyspirit FSX 747-400 passenger model with complex features and ground service vehicles (press shift e 2, shift e 3, Ctrl J for jetway, etc. ). Textures by Project Opensky member. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade by Jason A. Lee. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans. Zip preview for larger pictures. See panel docs and images for VC details and controls!
Posted Aug 22, 2012 05:24 by chris evans
                    Northwest Airlines AI Traffic v1.0
FS2004 Northwest Airlines AI Traffic v1.0 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
3.81Mb (8075 downloads)
FS2004 Northwest Airlines AI Traffic v1.0. These flight plans include the summer of 2005 flight scedule but still might not be the original flight plans from Northwest. Also updates the contrail effect. David Hays. 3.9MB Fix: This fixes some of the texture problems that people are having with the aircraft. Name : David Hays. 142K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                    M400 Skycar.
                    M400 Skycar.
FS2000 M400 Skycar. (Category: FS2000 > Props)
8.22Mb (8075 downloads)
FS2000 M400 Skycar. Based on a real aircraft designed by Paul Moller. See his site An original FSDS design includes transparent, opening canopy, panel sounds, a choice of textures & more. Designer AC Kerkhove. 8.4MB FSDS files including FSC for use in FSDS modification. (Permission must be obtained prior to any redistribution). 2.7MB Fix for the M400 by AC Kerkhove Unzip this file and then copy all the files to the M400 map in the FS2000 Aircraft Map. These files gives the M400 aircraft better Flightdynamics solve some speed problems and make the aircraft more stable. I will try to keep improving the airfiles. any suggestions are welcome. 16K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
LEMD-Barajas International Madrid Spain v2.4780 for FSX
LEMD-Barajas International Madrid Spain v2.4780 for FSX
1.15Mb (8074 downloads)
Barajas (LEMD) Addon was developed using ADEX v1.5, and tested using FSXA (Acceleration). The project is about a total overhaul of Barajas International worked up from default stock FSX LEMD. Significant changes include: the installation of missing ILSs, making runway 18C/36C operational, and lush details to the entire airport. Aprons tailored geometrically and flooded with ground objects and airport vehicles. All parking aligned precisely parallel, perpendicular or at constant angle to their respective paths, some parking assigned with airline codes. Make sure you look around the airport while taxing to enjoy the eye candy on the ground, or take flight on a super-light enjoying Barajas International great scenery. LEMD-Barajas International Upgrade by Jamagn.
Posted Feb 1, 2013 04:52 by Jamagn
Duesseldorf International EDDL
Duesseldorf International EDDL (Category: FSX > Scenery)
9.87Mb (8073 downloads)
FSX native scenery of duesseldorf international airport, needs FSX servicePack 1 or 2 to run! Complete rework of the default FSX airport with all new Custom buildings, textures and new animated jetways. To be released as Open Source under Creative Commons License. Developers source files available separately (search Duesseldorf) By Thomas Ruth.
Posted Jul 8, 2011 16:32 by Thomas Ruth
                  PA28 R 201 Arrow 3 Package.
                  PA28 R 201 Arrow 3 Package.
FSX PA28 R 201 Arrow 3 Package. (Category: FSX > Props)
14.11Mb (8073 downloads)
FSX PA28 R 201 Arrow 3 Package. This Arrow III features moving parts, a virtual cockpit, accurate flight dynamics, a few new smooth gauges, one special AI-aircraft, two models, three texture-sets and a paintkit. By Hauke Keitel. 14.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
T-34A/B Mentor Set
T-34A/B Mentor Set (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
26.03Mb (8072 downloads)
T-34A/B Mentor Set Another batch of new freeware models by Alphasim. Includes two models and six texture sets. Complete cockpit with 2D panel/gauges and VC.
Posted Mar 24, 2009 16:16 by Alphasim
FSX VYYY Yangon Intl Airport Mingaladon V4.0 with Traffic-Pack
11.44Mb (8072 downloads)
FSX VYYY Yangon Intl Airport Mingaladon V4.0 with Traffic-Pack 1 Yangon International Airport "MINGALADON" in Burma, Myanmar, include Traffic-Pack 1. Version 4.0 with new dock "G", jetways, already extended runway, taxiways and new taxisigns. First of all we corrected the airport location to the real one. With Myanmar Air Force area, Helipads and even more parkings for civilian airplanes. This scenery was produced based of visit and on pictures of satellites. Traffic-Pack 2 comes with Traffic-Pack 3 comes soon too. Many Thanks go to Francisco Sanchez-Castaner, Fernando Martinez, Mike Stone and the teams of HOUSE-RP in Burma, FSX Planner, SceneGenX, SBuilder X, Open Ports Scanner, AFXBgDownloader, FSUIPC and Google Earth. This scenery is only for FSX, for FS2004 please download (here). By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland and Burma. 11.7MB
Posted Jun 6, 2008 13:22 by archive