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FS Recorder For FS9
FS Recorder For FS9 (Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
0.97Mb (1729 downloads)
FS Recorder For FS9 With Full HD 1080p. FS Recorder is an add-on module for Microsoft Flight Simulator available for FS2004 and FSX. It allows recording and playback of flights, similar as the instant replay and video recorder built into FS, but with a lot more features. The recorded flights can be played back either using the user's aircraft or as AI traffic, which allows you to fly formations with yourself. A number of settings allows to customize FS Recorder to your needs. Matthias Neusinger. Further details from
Posted Mar 17, 2012 07:39 by Shahzeb
ASTER GDEMv2 30m mesh for Sudan & the Horn of Africa pt1
204.38Mb (372 downloads)
There are Eleven (11) parts of this mesh to download as separate files. ASTER GDEM Version 2 is a 30 metre definition DEM, its better than the version 1 data that ERSDAC, of Japan and NASA originally released, but it does have its limitations. GDEM has been obtained from a satellite that uses stereoscopic infrared scanning cameras, this brings with it problems in the resultant data.....where it sees the tops of trees, buildings etc, as the ground terrain. If you look at the jpg image with the terrain type errors shown as a graph, you will see that the only 'safe' terrain to use this data with - in FSX - is scrubland, or desert terrain. Its hopeless in defining the terrain in places like Europe - with all the artificial structures, (buildings) and different types of woodland, so any mesh I create from this data won't include areas like will be more desert type terrain, and scrubland. I won't be doing Greenland because something about the ice around Greenland, (or any other land mass with ice) it creates false data. It does give enough fine data to reveal railway lines, and some roads though. This mesh has been made for FSX only. Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public. ASTER GDEM Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Mar 17, 2012 07:14 by Wayne Evans
Boeing 737-300 Condor
Boeing 737-300 Condor
Boeing 737-300 Condor (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.60Mb (1673 downloads)
FSX Condor Boeing 737-300 D-ABEB. Complete model by Vista Liners / Erick Cantu is included. Added default 737-800 2d Panel but no VC
Posted Mar 17, 2012 06:31 by Jim Fly
Des Moines Int. Iowa
Des Moines Int. Iowa
Des Moines Int. Iowa (Category: FSX > Scenery)
2.68Mb (433 downloads)
This is an update for the Des Moines airport located is Des Monies, Iowa. Iowa is home to the first caucus in the U.S. This update will fix the taxiways, runway and light to match Google Earth images better. This airport was created using Airport Design Editor, Google Earth, A news update is also included inside.
Posted Mar 16, 2012 17:42 by SMS_and_CAS
FSX Sierra Leone Airfield Locator
FSX Sierra Leone Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.05Mb (89 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Sierra Leone There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325 Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth file Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 16, 2012 17:20 by carl vokes
FSX United Arab Emirates Airfield Locator
FSX United Arab Emirates Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.03Mb (237 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for United Arab Emirates There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325 Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth file Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 16, 2012 17:18 by carl vokes
FSX Florida Airfield Locator
FSX Florida Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.10Mb (152 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Florida.USA There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325 Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth file Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 16, 2012 17:16 by carl vokes
FSX Mozambique Airfield Locator
FSX Mozambique Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
1.04Mb (101 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Mozambique There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325 Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth file Other locator files to follow by Carl Vokes
Posted Mar 16, 2012 17:12 by carl vokes
St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago
St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.52Mb (407 downloads)
For FS9. The St. Peter-and-St. Paul Archipelago is made of a few rocks that poke above the surface in the Atlantic Ocean, just nort of the equator. The rocks ("penedos"), are Brazilian territory, permanently occupied by scientific research groups of several Brazilian universities. The local facilities are powered by solar energy. There is no fresh water available, so there is a very small de-salination plant. There is almost no vegetation at all, but there are lots of bird poop, and the solar panels must be washed constantly. The Archipelago is located approximately 960 km from the city of Touros, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte, in direction of 46 degrees True. You'll have to find the rocks yourself. There are no airports. The islands were used by the Portuguese aviators Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho as a waypoint when they crossed the South Atlantic by aeroplane (Fairey F3D) for the first time in 1922. I made the rocks because my friend Rob decided to re-enact the crossing and the rocks are missing in FS9. Done by Fern Marques. For free distribution only, in whole or in part. To be uploaded only to sites that have a legitimate free downloading process.
Posted Mar 16, 2012 16:31 by Fern Marques
 Malaga  Airport, LEMG, Spain, 2012
 Malaga  Airport, LEMG, Spain, 2012
Malaga Airport, LEMG, Spain, 2012 (Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.60Mb (5295 downloads)
Malaga LEMG (Costa del Sol) Airport, Spain, 2012. Spain's busiest airort. This scenery attempts to recreate as closely as possible the airport in Malaga, AGP / LEMG in FSX. Includes the new runway 12-30 to enter into service on May 3, 2012. It also contains two variants, one with south configuration, and another with north. This scenario is made with ADE, Airport desing editor, basing on the AENA charts and images of Google Earth.
Posted Mar 16, 2012 15:02 by EC-LPZ