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Sadler Vampire FSX Update and Textures Package
Sadler Vampire FSX Update and Textures Package
16.95Mb (2847 downloads)
This is the complete Sadler Vampire that was created by Byron Warwick, updated so that the gauges and GPS are functional in FSX. Also includes new a new red, white and blue paint scheme. Update and repaint by Rick Federmann (Pville211)
Posted Nov 17, 2012 16:48 by Pville211
FSX/P3Dv3 Embraer 145LR Delta Connection Updated Package
FSX/P3Dv3 Embraer 145LR Delta Connection Updated Package
79.84Mb (2846 downloads)
FSX/P3D v3 Embraer 145LR Delta Connection Updated Package. Updated the panel with XML gauges, added alpha to the textures to make it compatible with P3D and modified the config files. Delta Connection is a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta Airlines and operates small number passenger flights throughout the US as well as the Caribbean and Canada. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Added the great textures by airplaneman. Edited to add missing gauges and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views) as well as edited textures to allow clear windows in P3D. High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project opensky team. Added the great textures by Joao Martins. Please read enclosed docs and if you don't have it - be sure to add msvcr70.dll to main FSX folder to see gauges. FSX/P3D (up to v3 - not 4+) assembly and panel updates by Chris Evans. Includes steering fix. Zip preview for more images.
Posted Apr 24, 2017 10:02 by chris evans
Tupolev Tu-128 Fiddler
Tupolev Tu-128 Fiddler
Tupolev Tu-128 Fiddler (Category: FSX > Military)
11.02Mb (2846 downloads)
I updated Dimitri Samborski and Oleg Tchernikov,s FS2004 Tu-128 Fiddler by adding Jan Moravec's Su-15 2D panel, Aaron R. Swindle,s Skysong Soundworks Soviet Mig-21 Fighter Soundpackage, texture thumbnail, afterburner and sonic boom effects. Has a 2D panel and non working VC.
Posted Oct 24, 2012 09:19 by Michael E. Roberts
                  Himalayan Peaks Mesh - Namcha Barwa
FS2004 Himalayan Peaks Mesh - Namcha Barwa (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
15.09Mb (2846 downloads)
FS2004 Himalayan Peaks Mesh - Namcha Barwa Highly detailed mesh based on Shuttle Radar (SRTM) data but with many of the void areas filled with elevation data generated from topographic maps by Jonathan de Ferranti. The "Himalayan Peaks" series contains LOD10 terrain mesh of prominent peaks and ridges. There will also be a LOD9 "base mesh" series of the Himalayas. Compiled for FS by Holger Sandmann. Fully compatible with FS2002. 15.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet / CRJ 600 - 200 KLM
2.96Mb (2846 downloads)
FS2002 Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet / CRJ 600 - 200 KLM. . This aircraft is made by : PROJECT OPEN SKY Model Designer : Mitsushi Yutaka Flight Dynamics Designer : Warren C,Daniel FDE Advisor's : Nick Peterson, Simon Ng Hin Tat Tested by : Project Open Sky Members Master textures by : Thomas Stillner. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
FSX compatible Airbus A300-B engine smoke effect
FSX compatible Airbus A300-B engine smoke effect
0.33Mb (2846 downloads)
FSX compatible engine smoke effect for the Thomas Ruth freeware FSX Airbus A300-B, which you must have previously installed in FSX. Works with all three versions, the A300-B1, A300-B2, and A300-B4. Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Aug 5, 2010 16:04 by Tom Tiedman
                  Cabin Lighting Tutorial
FS2002 Cabin Lighting Tutorial (Category: FS2002 > Utilities)
0.00Mb (2845 downloads)
FS2002 Cabin Lighting Tutorial: This addition can make your panels look more even-lighted by casting an even amber floodlight on the panel and or no light on the panel, and soft-white inside the instruments.By Alex Yanes. 2K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  LSGS, Turtmann LSMJ and Raron LSMN
Sion LSGS, Turtmann LSMJ and Raron LSMN (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.44Mb (2845 downloads)
Sion LSGS, Turtmann LSMJ and Raron LSMN are part of hard surface airports located in Valais / Wallis in the Swiss Alps. This package contains modified airports files for these three locations and a traffic file for the area. I corrected the elevation altitude reference of the default helipad in Sion in accordance with the airport's elevation. This avoids a crash or a "sinking in the ground helicopter" when landing on the default helipad at Sion airport. For the rest I added parkings, gates, links etc. to allow AI traffic in Turtmann and Raron and on both runways in Sion. The traffic file has general aviation flight plans in the area. Easy to install. Nice area to fly. Airports modifications files made with AFCAD, traffic files with SimpleAI and TTools. Switzerland: Sion, Turtmann, Raron: by Michel Revaz. 445K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Panel Modification.
F-16 Panel Modification. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.73Mb (2845 downloads)
F-16 Panel Modification. This is an Add-On to the F16 "Boys from Syracuse" (previous page) originated by Paolo Trabucco. This Add-on adds an "Osama bin Laden wanted" poster to the F16-C cockpit. You need the original F16-C files from Simviation to use with this add-on. Expect more from us - the Add-On Creators. 747K.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  North American A-5A Vigilante.
FS2002/FS2004 North American A-5A Vigilante. (Category: FS2004 > Military)
2.13Mb (2845 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 North American A-5A Vigilante. This aircraft was developed as high performance nuclear attack machine on an carrier. The difference with RA-5C are there is no swelling in the upper part of the airframe, no leading edge strake at the main wing root, no canoe that stores the sensor and the line put from the canopy on the back straight line etc. by Kazunori Ito. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive