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McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo s/n 60110
(Category: CFS1 > Modern Aircraft)
0.25Mb (1693 downloads)
McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo s/n 60110.
Aircraft and FS98 compliant textures included. Original by Alphasim.
Repainted by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield. 255K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

Aerospatiale AS350 Ecreuil KTLA-TV 5 Los Angeles Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
3.99Mb (1693 downloads)
Aerospatiale AS350 Ecreuil KTLA-TV 5 Los Angeles Textures
This the repaint for the Aerospatiale AS350 Ecreuil "Squirrel"
in the livery of the KTLA-TV 5 Los Angeles news helicopter.
Original Model by Tamas and Peter Nemeth. Repaint by David Kissling.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

Sikorsky H34/S58Meravo
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
10.97Mb (1693 downloads)
Sikorsky H34/S58 Meravo started life as SAR (Search and Rescue) and moved on to a civilian helicopter in Germany for business people. the callsign in Germany was D-HAUS. Flown by the company Meravo. Original aircraft by Willy Vervaecke. Repaint by Niels de Ruyck
Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:49 by Niels De Ruyck
Vintage Piston Starter Sounds
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
1.10Mb (1693 downloads)
Realistic starter sounds for a vintage piston engine. Recorded from a AT-6 Texan.
By Marko Mebus., 1.1MB
Posted Jun 21, 2009 08:30 by Marko Mebus

FSX/P3D/FS2004 Embraer E-Jets E170/175/175LR
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
85.73Mb (1692 downloads)
Originally designed by Maurino Brown under the Sky Spirit label, now available as FSX native models. Features 3 models, specular mapping, bump mapping. FS9 and P3DV4 models with PBR included. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Dec 25, 2021 10:12 by George Arana

Update for FSX of C-150
(Category: FSX > Props)
22.45Mb (1692 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the C-150 by
A.F.Scrub. I have given it a different 2D
panel, got the mini-panel working, and updated
the flight dynamics. The original 2D panel
is still there for those who like it better,
and yes it has a working VC.
Posted Jul 6, 2017 12:01 by Bob Chicilo
Ryanair London Stansted to Torino Simple Mission
(Category: FSX > Missions)
1.40Mb (1692 downloads)
Fly and IFR flight from London Stansted to Torino (flight 7388 departure time 7.30am. A very quickly made mission (intermediate) which does require some free downloads but details of links are provided in the readme (some are quite sizeable which may limit the appeal). Not fully tested so be warned but hopefully should work ok.
Posted May 9, 2013 22:38 by Pierre. Shlimon

Correcting the Smoke System
(Category: FSX > Misc)
0.25Mb (1692 downloads)
A document with info on correcting the smoke system starting points for FSX aircraft.
Got vertical smoke trails? Or smoke starting from a weird position? This PDF explains how to correct that.
Posted Jan 10, 2013 22:16 by Raoul de Miranda FSX Boeing 737-800 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.46Mb (1692 downloads)
After many months of speculation the low cost African airline was launched in November 2012. Spearheaded by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou (EasyJet), and an operating base in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, flights to Kilimanjaro and Mwanza are on offer. Further destinations such as Ghana and Angola are in the pipeline. This is a High Definition Textures only repaint for the FSX default 737-800 complete with blue tint cockpit glass and daylight filters on wing and nose wheel lights.
Posted Jan 3, 2013 11:00 by Paul Davies

Nakajima E8N Dave
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.87Mb (1692 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Nakajima E8N1 floatplane
The Nakajima was basically an updated version of the E4N2. Of similar biplane configuration, with a central float and underwing stabilising floats, it was powered by a 433kW Kotobuki 2 KAI 1 radial engine. Used successfully, during the Sino-Japanese War in roles which included artillery spotting and dive-bombing as well as reconnaissance, some were still operating from navy vessels at the beginning of the Pacific war, gaining the Allied codename 'Dave'. They were soon diverted to secondline duties such as communications, liaison and training.Gmax mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 21, 2011 18:21 by A.F.Scrub